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I wanna write my new story so bad...enjoy!


Third P.O.V

"Thanks for helping guys" said Ricky while leaning in the door frame. 

"See, it wasn't that bad! By the way, you owe us one, Olson!" snickered Ryan while walking away. 

"Yeah yeah.Bye!" the smaller man closed the door. 

"What a day it was, huh? " sighed Chris as he dropped down on the couch. 

"Yeah, I'm tired as hell" 

Chris pat the space next to him, inviting his "roommate" to get comfortable next to him. Ricky happily sat down, snuggling the older man's sides. 

"My little raccoon..." Chris said in a whisper. 

They got all cosy on the couch and turned on the TV. They would kiss from times to times, making Ricky blush and Chris happier to be alive. 

"Are you hungry?" 

"Yeah...can we just order something? I don't wanna cook tonight" said Ricky. 

"Sounds good to me"

Kuza's P.O.V

"What do you mean dating?" I angrily asked. 

"Well it's kind of obvious man...are you sure you're okay? You seem to be really mad!" replied Angelo. 

"Yes, I'm fine. I just thought that maybe Chris would've let me know." I lied. 

"Is that so. Look, Mike, you have to move on."

"What do you mean?" I knew playing dumb wasn't going to help me in any way but I still gave it a try. 

"You know exactly what I mean. You love Chris and it upsets you that he likes someone else. There's no point in denying it and getting mad because we both know there's nothing you can do about it." 

"You're right but don't you think it's unfair?" I said with puppy dog eyes. 

"What is?" 

"That I tried so hard to get Chris to love me and then he gets taken away from me by Ricky? He's got him wrapped around his little fingers and all he wants is a place to live. He doesn't care about Chris, he wants to use him to survive!" This felt so good yet so wrong to say.

"That's enough Mike. You need to calm the fuck down right now, accept that he likes someone else before noone wants to talk to you anymore. Am I clear?" 

I was astonished, I had never seen Angelo be that mad in my entire life. All that because I was a little bitch. 

"I'm sorry...I'll try, ok?" 

"Oh you better try!" he said, storming out of my appartement. 


I don't know where this is going, sorry. 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now