Ryan and relationships.

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The story is getting boring, lemme spice it up..enjoy! 


Ryan's P.O.V

"I think we're going to be fine on our own, thank you" said Rick (in a very rude tone, mind you).

"No, I insist" 

I know he's pissed at me, I know he doesn't want me going through his stuff but I feel like he needs to be cooler with me. So, I'm going to make him appreciate me again, whether he likes it or not.  

"Wakey wakey Ange, we gotta help!" I said, patting my sweet boyfriend on the back. 

"I'm awake babe. I just need to huh...get dressed." he said, looking at Ricky as if to say "give me my clothes and let me change alone please". 

"Oh yeah, here you guys go" he quickly said, throwing our clothes at my face. 

He closed the door and we both began putting on our clothes from yesterday. It was hard to look at Angelo's naked body and not want to get back in bed to fuck him again. You see, I used to hang out in bars,nespecially the one Ricky worked in, and have a bunch of one night stands because I was lonely (and horny,too). Then, I met Angelo when he was working at his restaurant and, as corny as it may sound, I fell for him. I didn't want him for only one night but forever...or at least until he grows tired of me. I didn't talk about it to Ricky because he's a dick sometimes (as I said earlier) and I didn't want him to fuck up my little relationship I put so much effort into. I stopped going to the bars to spend time with Angelo and tried to mature up to impress him but I always end up being my stupid little self. He loves it. 

"Why are you starring at me?" he asked, chuckling. 

"Oh I didn't notice, sorry. Let's go baby!" I said as I was exiting the room. I walked up to where Chris was so I could help him and maybe have a little chat with him in the process.

"So, Chris, what do you do? Do you work as a teacher, ya work at a strip club or something?" I asked my best friend's prince charming. 

"H-hum I work as a radio-station host, nothing big though. I do that once a week and I also work in a record shop in time-square. I also have a band but I can't really count that as a job as I don't see much income." he said, handing me boxes of stuff Ricky collects. 

"Cool. So you left Ricky alone to go work?" 

"No, I didn't work this week because it's a holiday, except for band practices." he answered laughing. 

"Oh ok. I work in a guitar reparation shop, if you were wondering" 

"You like music too? Do you play?" he asked, obviously very interested in the subject.

"Yeah actually! I even taught Ricky how to play when we were teenagers" 

"Aw, that's so sweet!" 

I shrugged and turned my head to see Ricky happily chatting with Angelo. I hope he doesn't fuck anything up for me...

Angelo's P.O.V

"No but really, I might be talking shit about him all the time but he's a nice guy. You're lucky, usually he doesn't get involved into romantic relationships so...you're a special snowflake, Ange!" Ricky said while going down the stairs with a lamp and a small box in his hands. 

"Aww, thanks! I do love him very much, too." I said, giggling. 


I had something planned but figured it didn't have it's place in this chapter so ...you'll see it in the next one

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