Ricky's a bored raccoon.

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*Please read!!*

I made up my updating schedule so here it is! Every Sunday I update on this fic and if I have time throughout the week, I'll either start a new fic or update my band smut collection. 

So ya, enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V

I'm bored. Really. Fucking. Bored. 

Chris left me here all by myself because today is "Band Practice Day" or whatever. I understand that he needs to practice with his band and have a social life but today I'm feeling talkative and trust me, it doesn't happen all that often. Also, I texted Ryan a thousand time and I know he read everything I sent but he's not answering. He pissed because I didn't call him since I met Chrisso he's acting like a child. However, ignoring me won't solve anything, Ryan! 

So, now that I've established the fact that I'm lonely, I can begin wandering around the appartement because I've got nothing better to do. I'm actually curious to see what secrets Chris hides in his drawers or in between the sofa cracks. Surely he can't be that perfect, he must have a dark side! I guess being alone isn't that bad after all, this might be my only chance to discover something really creepy about my roommate. Here begins my little investigation. 

I looked in every single drawer of the kitchen, searched the bathroom cabinets, looked under the bed and inspected in depth his closet. It took an hour to look through all the rooms and drawers but in the end, I found nothing. Nothing at all! Not even a porn magazine! Disappointment hit me like a truck. That fucker IS perfect after all. 

"Shit, now what do I do?" I asked myself out loud, trying not to make a weird voice like I usually tend to do. Don't juge me ok, it makes me feel less lonely when I talk to myself in weird voices, it's like someone's talking to me. 

I sat down on the couch and began playing with the strings of my hoodie. What's taking him so long? Surely he'll come back soon..

"Ok, what can I do? There's nothing to clean, nothing to read and Ryan won't text me cuz he's being a bitch. I did bring stuff from my old appartement but there's still so much left there...I don't know if I have anything that could keep me busy right now." I walked up to where my stuff was and looked through the piles. I spotted a few things like a notebook but more importantly,  my guitar.

"Why didn't I think about it sooner? " I asked myself, grabbing my guitar and sitting down on a stool. I decided to play "Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson first. This song is pretty easy to play, I warm-up my fingers with it every time I decide to play. I put on my headphones and was ready to play. 

About 30 minutes later, I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Chris, standing behind me with a huge smile on his face. 

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