Skype Call //Please read the note too

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I'm not good at following an uploading schedule, sorry.  I just want to say that I will be ending this story soon because I have an ending planned and I wanna start working on other stories so I figured it's the best thing to do. Thanks to all of you who took the time to read my story, by the way! 

Anyways, enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V

"How do you like the job?" 

I licked my ice cream quickly before answering "I love it!"

I giggled while Chris squeezed my hand gently. We were walking hands in hands while eating ice cream and I swear we looked like a perfect couple. I was really happy in that moment. 

An hour passed and we were back home again. I threw myself on the couch and waited for Chrissy to join me. He smiled, ruffled my hair and sat down next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head before turning on the television. I felt really safe and cozy by his sides. A few hours later, we were falling asleep. Then, Chris' phone rang, startling us both. He answered in a hoarse (and very sexy, mind you) voice. I listened to him talk while drifting off to sleep again. A couple minutes later, he hung up and opened his computer. 

"W-what are you doing?" 

"Balz told me to join the Skype call he started with the rest of the band a couple minutes ago. Apparently, it's important so I figured we'd tag in", he explained quickly.


Moments later, we had joined the call. I could see Angelo sitting with Ryan, Ghost with Balz and Mike with...Matt, of course. 

"Hi guys!" said Angelo.

"Hey, what's going on?" said Chis.

"So!" squealed Balz. "I was contacted this morning by a record company and they said they wanted to have us in. We wanted to know what you guys thought about this before signing the contract they sent me" he explained. 

Chris smiled widely before saying it was a great idea. I also agreed, obviously. The whole group smiled and all of the sudden, I couldn't help but make a really dumb remark. 

"Wow, we're all gay." 

Everyone laughed their asses off and I just smiled awkwardly. Chris kissed me and then Ghost kissed Balz, Ryan kissed Angelo but Kuza didn't kiss Matt. 

"Oh come on Mikey boy!" said Ghost. 

"O-ok, fine.." said Kuza. Even if the camera was a little shitty, I could see he was blushing. He took Matt's face gently and kissed him quickly. They both sat in silence while all the other couples made comments about how adorable they looked together. 

Eventually, the call ended and we could finally go to bed.

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now