Cricky meets Ryangelo

396 31 7

I have so many stories I wanna start writing ughh!! 


Ricky's P.O.V

"Take left and then kee-"

"I know how to get to your house, Ricky." said Chris, laughing.

"That is not my house, ew." I said in disgust.

Chris chuckled and we both remained silent for the rest of the ride.

"Oh shit, it's worse than I remembered!" I said.

"Yeah...ok let's go, I don't want to die today!"

"I know the feeling too well..."

The strong stench of fish and garbage made me gag while I was walking up the stairs, it really was worse than what I remembered.

"Hang in there, buddy" said Chris, patting my shoulder.

"Ok, let's get in fast" I said, unlocking the door.

I stumble in what used to be my appartement and noticed some clothes scattered around on the floor. They made a little path that I curiously followed. 

"What's that?" asked Chris.

"No idea"

Not to my surprise, the last clothing item I found on the ground was right in front of my bedroom door. I quickly stepped in the small room and opened the light.

"What the fuck ma-"

"Ryan why do you keep doing this?" I said in a desperat tone.

"Ricky I thought you'd understand! I knew you wouldn't be home cuz of your job at the bar so-"

"Ryan we've talked about this! You can't just break into my house to have a quick fuck with whoever it is that you slept with this time only because we're friends and you have the keys to my appartement." I almost shouted.

"It's diffrent this time! I've known him for two months now and you didn't talk to me in a week! Where have you been?What's going on?" he asked

"That is in no way an excuse to fuck in my bed Ryan!"

"R-ryan...I told you it wasn't a good idea.." mumbled Ryan's crush of the day.

"It's okay baby, I'm taking care of this." he calmly said.

"Is everything okay?" said Chris who was now next to me.

"Yeah...kind of, as you may have heard" I said, laughing sarcastically.

"Ricky, answer my questions, please!"

"Ricky?? Wait...WHAT?" said the boy, sitting up.

"ANGELO?!" Chris and I both screamed. 


I thought this chapter was going to be better, I'm sorry...filler much.

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now