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Today is Mother's Day and even if my mom isn't reading this (I hope so) I want to thank her for saving me in life. I don't have a nice dad (at all) so she basically makes up for it and gives me the love he never gave me. She's the best mom in the entire world and I love her so damn much. Soon, we're going to move out together without my dad and close to my best friend. 

Also, I have a new fanfic idea (yes, I have at least 3 story ideas!) and I can only give you a hint: Ryden. There, now enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V

"Well, he's late...again!" said Balz, tapping his foot.

"Guess who's fault it is" snickered Chris. 

"Matt!!" yelled Angelo behind his drum kit.

I laughed, thinking that they were all crazy and seeing love everywhere. 

"Alright alright guys, we need to call him" laughed Chris. 

He picked up his phone, dialing Kuza's number and putting the speaker mode on. 

"H-hey?" groaned Kuza.

"Hi...where are you?" he asked, laughing. 

"H-hum, at my place...why?"

In the background, you could hear a voice asking quietly and in a sleepy tone who was calling.

"It's Chris sweetie, don't worry", he quickly said, "What is it, Chris?" 

"Well you're late for practice" he laughed, once more. 

"Oh...shit, sorry. Hum you see, I can't really come today. I have appointment, right. Ok bye?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, have fun with Matt!" we all giggled. 

What a time to be alive.


"C'mon Chrissy, we need to sleeeep!" I panted a bit as my lover was kissing my neck. 

"But it's only nine (in the afternoon fml)!" he whined, not letting go of me. 

"Fineee!" I laughed, giving in. 

He smiled and kept going. Soon enough I was a moaning mess.


I should write a new smut chapter and book. 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now