Shitmas special

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Merry shitmas everyone. I'm pissed right now 'cuz I deleted this whole thing by mistake but hey determination right?? Ok, I want to dedicate this chapter to my best friend because she's the first one who read that crap and it seems like the right thing to do. Anyways, enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V

After the best meal I had in months, we made our way back home. We walked in front of where Chris found me merely two days ago. In only two days my condition passed from miserable to incredible. All because of him. I looked at his face and smiled. He looked back at me and smiled. He didn't say a word, he just smiled. A few minutes later, we were back home. We took off our coats and sat on the couch. 

"Hey, since tomorrow is Christmas, I thought we could do something special. I don't know, maybe we could go buy a tree and eat turkey" he asked, scratching the back of his head. 

"Yeah, it sounds lovely! Are you going to invite some friends and family over too or..?"

"Well my family and I don't talk much anymore and my friends are gonna be out in their families so I think it's gonna be the two of us only" he said.

"Nice. Oh, not that I didn't want to met your friends, it's just that I don't know them and I'd be shy around them and...sorry, I'm overthinking again" I awkwardly said, being completely out of breath at the end of my too long sentence. 

"Aw it's ok. So we'll go buy a tree and the cook, yeah?" he asked, his eyes getting bigger in excitement. 


We laughed a little and then just stared at eachother's face, not really knowing what to do. I really wanted to kiss him but I was scared to fuck everything up and end up n the streets again. After what felt like an eternity, we looked away like nothing happened. 


After spending yet another good night in Chris' bed, we ate a quick breakfast before making our way outside. We walked up to this little Christmas market that was in Time Square. We were both really excited. Even if the place was rather small, it was really crowded and smelled like cranberry. I was looking around when I felt Chris take my hand. I looked at his face and he just looked back at me, blushing. 

"I-I just don't want you to get lost or anything" he sttutered. 

"Y-yeah.." I said, not believing a single word he said. 

We were taking our time to look at every single little Christmas shop. 

"Wow, that is so cool!" Chris said, looking at a very pretty necklace that was shaped like a lock. 

"It's a pair, there's also a key." I said, pointing at the other necklace. 

"It's cute" 

A few meters later we finally found the place where they were selling the trees. 

Chris' P.O.V

"What about this one?" Ricky said, pointing at a tree that looked like all the other trees he had pointed not even two minutes ago.

"Let's take this one, yeah!" I said, wanting to go home. What? I was hungry, ok?

"I'll go pay, I'll be right back" I walked over to the man who was selling the trees. He charged me 20$ for that considerably large tree. It seemed like a good deal to me so it made me even happier.

"Have a nice one" I told the man before walking up to where I had left Ricky. 

"Ricky?" I said, trying to find him.

"Hu-hum I'm here" he said, breathing fast. 

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah I just uh had to go pee and I wanted to come back fast so yeah...oh sweet, you have the tree!" He said happily. 

"Yeah! Let's go back home now!" I grabbed his hand and we started to walk once more. 


As soon as we walked in the house, I put the tree in the corner of the living room and straight up went in the kitchen to get cooking. Ricky said he wanted to decorate the room and the tree as he was a "terrible cook". I'm sure he's not that bad! After stuffing the turkey, making little drinks and baking cookies, I was about done. I decided to check on my little raccoon. I entered the living room and was absolutely stunned. It was so beautiful but still spooky. Almost all of the ornaments were black or skelleton shaped, all the lights that were on the tree or n the room were either blue, purple or red. The star that was on top of the tree was a pentagram. Everything looked perfect, I couldn't have done better. 

"Wow Ricky, it's beautiful!" 

"Oh, it's nothing much, I just put everything you had in that box an-"

"Shh, it's beautiful. Don't say anything, ok?" I interrupted him.

"Fine. Can we go eat now? It smells delicious and I'm starving!" 

"Be my guest!"


"Chris, you're such a good cook. No kidding! That was so good!" he exclaimed, walking with the plate of cookies.

"Why thank you!" I said, sitting down where I usually sit on the couch.

"Hum Chris...there's something I meant to tell you..." Ricky said in the small voice he uses every time he wants to confess something.

"Sure raccoon, what is it?"

"Well, if it wasn't from you, I'd still be out there in the streets. I would've been freezing outside and wouldn't have celebrated such a wonderful Christmas evening. You practically saved my life and that means the world to me. So I thought I could give you something, I know it's not much but, here, take it. " he said, handing me a small box. 

I took it carefully and opened it slowly like t was the most precious thing I had ever held in my life. When I opened the little box, I found the necklace I saw earlier today with Ricky. I looked at his face with teary eyes only to see him holding the key that completed the pair. 

"Oh Ricky, you didn't have to. It's so's like we're united forever now." I said, putting the necklace on. 

"It's nothing, the moment you took interest in it I knew I had to get it because it was special to you and now it is to me too" 

"Thank you Ricky, this means a lot more than a simple necklace to me. I'm so happy t have you here by my sides now, you can't understand. I didn't get you anything but will this make up for it?" I asked, slowly grabbing his chin and kissing his soft lips for the first time.

"I guess it can make up for it...if you give me many more that is" he said, kissing me again.


Cliché, cliché, I know! Hey Shitmas wasn't so bad this year and I loved writing a special chapter so yeah...who am I kidding, I still hate it. Hope you enjoyed this extremely long chapter (that took me two shots to write) especially you, lil' bonbon! I'll try to update everyday but it might not be possible so sorry in advance. It's 2:30, I should get ready to sleep. Sweet nightmares everyone and merry Shitmas again!

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