Eternally Yours // The End //

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A/N (please read!).

This is the last chapter of the story. I had so much fun writing it (even if I was bad at respecting my schedule and stuff) and I wanted to thank all of you for reading. I never thought I'd get 6k reads on this so yeah, thank you so much for your kind words and the time you spent reading this very mediocre fanfiction. 

ALSO, I thought about this but I think I won't do a sequel. I think there's no point in writing one but I wanted to know what you guys thought about it...should I? Let me know.

Once again, thank you so much for everything and for the last time...enjoy.


Third person's P.O.V

Everything was perfect. The room they decided to rent for the night was big and looked like it was stuck in the Victorian era. The windows were large and on the ceiling hung beautiful chandeliers decorated with gems and lace. Like everything else in the room, the walls were black and had interesting patterns carved in the wood they were made out of. The floor, which was covered with a beautiful black carpet made out of velvet,  was crowded with people and tables garnished with food and fancy bottles of wine.

"This is so beautiful, I'm so happy for them" whispered Matt, who barely knew the pair, in his lover's ear. 

"They deserve what's best and I think they have a wonderful taste for everything dark and fancy" he replied.

They made their way into a separate, much smaller room, hidden behind a black curtain. There stood Chris with his beautiful soulmate. They were laughing, recalling beautiful memories.

"I think they're all here" informed Kuza.

"Already? Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" announced the taller man. 

They exited the small room and walked in the center of the place, cheered by all the friends and family members that were gathered in the same place for the occasion. Then, he opened his mouth. 

"Hi everyone, thanks for coming here today, it means a lot to my beautiful baby and I. As you probably noticed, this is not a very traditional wedding because quite honestly, they make me awkward so yeah, we're doing it our own way" he laughed while scratching the back of his neck nervously. 

"Ricky, I love you very, very much and I honestly don't know what I did to deserve someone as precious and beautiful as you in my life. Sometimes, I'm scared you're gonna leave me alone and some nights, I wake up crying because my nightmares are always about you getting hurt. I promise you that I'll love you until I die and who knows, maybe even a little longer than that" Chris lovingly said while passing a beautiful scarlet ring around Ricky's finger. 

" Oh Chris..." Ricky said, trying not to cry "remember the first time we met? On the streets? I never thought I'd say something like this but I'm glad I was out there that day, in the rain... From that day on, you turned my whole world upside down and you finally showed me what happiness was. You kissed all my pain away and before I knew it, I had a stable job" he smiled, looking at Corey, his old boss that still remained a friend of their's even if they had left their job at the record store to focus on the band "and gave me a chance to play music for a living. It's funny when you think about it because I couldn't ever expect that the guy who dropped five dollars into my little hat on the street that one sad day would mean so much to me. I hope you understand by now that it's because of you that I stayed alive and that I promise I'll love you until the end of times. " he finished, many tears rolling down his face. He shakily put a stunning black ring around Chris' finger, looking at his beautiful tear filled eyes.

Ryan dropped his head on Angelo's shoulder as he watched his best friend kiss his husband passionately on the lips, sealing their promise.

The End

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