A/N (I know, it sucks)

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Hey guys, please read. 

I know I said I would update more often but this week I just couldn't find any time to write. I had a long text, power-point and all that shit to do for my science class along with a lot of other things so that's what took all my time. School was never that rough with us through all the year so I don't know why straight when we come back from the vacations they give us a shit ton of work. Oh well. Also, next week my best friend's parents are going to London so she has to live with me (it's so cool though) and we both have exams and work to do so I might not update all that much either. I'm going to try to write somethings over the weekend but I'm not sure.  I should make an upload schedule. Yeah, I'll do that soon. 

I don't know if this made any sense at all but I hope you can understand. I might delete this chapter soon.  

Anyways, have a good life my dear readers! 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now