Gossips /"bonus"/

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I should write a chapter in french XD

Anyways, here's a "bonus".


Ghost's P.O.V

"Babe? Do you think Chris is dating Ricky?"

"Oh that is for sure!!" I said, hugging Balz closer to my chest.

"Shit, Mike is going to be pissed!"

"I know...can we watch Stranger Things next?"

"Oh great idea!!" said Balz while grabbing a fist full of popcorn.

"Yeah. Seriously though...Mike needs to find himself a boyfriend. Doesn't he know anyone? Angelo maybe??"

"Nah, Angelo is seeing that Ryan dude but I think Kuza knows people...hopefully."
he said, shrugging.

"I hope so for him...you know how easy it is for him to be depressed"

"Yeah but I'd be scared for Ricky if I were Chris...we never know what Mike could do to get Chrissy back"

"You're watching too much TV babe, Mike wouldn't kill Rick just to get Chris to himself" I said, kissing his head.

"Yeah I know" he laughed.

We started dating about two months ago but noone knows yet. Every now and then, Balz comes over and we just watch TV all night while cuddling. Of course sometimes we do more than that (if you see what I mean) but I know he prefers to cuddle.

"We gossip like teenage girls, it's really funny!" I said.

"Right? We're terrible! Oh wait! I forgot to ask, when do you plan on telling the guys we're a thing?" he asked blushing.

"At the same time Chris and Ricky tell everyone they're dating"


Much bonus, such important chapter.

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