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HOLLY SHIT I'M SO BAD AT THIS!!! I just moved in and it took all the energy and time I had so sorry I missed the upload day (again) but anywayyyys...enjoy!



Angelo's P.O.V

I'm just sitting behind my drumset looking at everyone in pure and utter confusion. They all look at me the same way, mind you.

"Ok, ok, ok guys" yelled Chris in his microphone "you know, music has brought me a lot in life..."

Oh shit man, are you seriously gonna get cheesy with the crowd?

"It gave a meaning to my life and I got the luck to make a living out of it, as silly as it may sound." the fans were loosing their shits because of how sweet and cinnamon rolly(?) Chris looked. Ricoon  walked towards me with 'WTF? ' painted across his face. I shrugged, not knowing what was going on either. After everyone had stopped screaming, Chris kept talking.

"I know you're confused cuz' I never make speeches, the guys are like "what the fuck are you doing Chris?" but anyways...three years ago today, I met the love of my life. Many of you know about him."

Oh. Ricky's  just standing there, smiling to his lover.

"He brought so much to this band. I mean, it's because of him that we have Ryan in our band and many other amazing things too." he said, now caressing Ricky's face. The crowd was fucking wild at this point and I could see many fangirls crying.

"So yeah, I can proudly say that Ricky is the love of my life and I hope to spend the rest of it by his sides. "

Awn, sweet.

"What I'm doing here has a purpose, don't worry" he laughed "I know this is cheesy as fuck and really awkward for my baby but I gotta do it..."

He kneeled down in front of Rick and got a little box from out of his pocket. Well fuck my ass and call me a bitch, I never saw this comming.

"Richard Allen Olson III, will you make me the happiest man on earth and love me until death do us part?" he said, opening the box to reveal a shiny ring with a black diamond on it. His eyes were filled with tears and hope.

"Oh my god Chris, YES!!" screamed Ricky, crying his eyes out and kissing his lover everywhere he could.

Ghost, Ryan, Balz, the crowd and I were jumping everyewhere while screaming like babies. I cried and hugged my baby while watching the two love birds kissing.

"Anyways, let's end this show so I can fuck my fiancé!" Chris laughed into the mic.

Ricky shook his head shyly and began playing.

What a time to be alive.


Expect a smut.

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now