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Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was studying like crazy for an exam that got canceled at the last minute. I'm pissed.


Ricky's P.O.V

"Ch-Chris!! Where are we going?" I managed to say while being dragged by the sweet giant. 

"You'll see now run faster Rick!!" he squealed in excitement.  

I didn't say  anything (even if I had many questions to ask) and did just what he asked. Before I could process the whole "let's drag Ricky around the streets while sprinting like crazy" events, Chris was throwing me across his shoulder  like I were a rag doll. He opened a door as I tried my best to catch my breath that had left me instants ago, not caring that my ass was literally in his face. 

"Chris what's going on?" I couldn't see where we were going or what was happening as his back constituted my only scenery. 

"You'll see soon enough. Hold on tight for now." 

I held onto him as hard as I could, following his instructions. Seconds later, I felt myself bouncing on his shoulder as I saw stairs below his feet...I decided that maybe holding him harder wasn't a bad idea. 

"Don't be so scared buddy, I got you. You're practically tearing off my skin at that point" he half jokingly said. 

" this over yet? Why did you decide to drag me around and then take me like this? I'm not a doll and I need explanations!" 

He didn't answer, he just opened a door. Thanks Chris. Then, I heard voices that all seemed to belong to guys. 

"Chris what are you doing here? And who's ass is that?" said..someone? 

"That's Ricky...or hum, Ricky's booty" he laughed. 

I blushed madly as he put me down, squeezing my butt in the process. 

"H-hi...I'm Ricky.." I said awkwardly. 

"Oh so you're the one Chris ditched us must be special!" said a bald man, winking.

"Shut up Balz, they're roommates!" said Kuza. At least I recognize him.

"Oh I know him, isn't he the guy you ate with in the booth?" said Angelo. Hey, another familiar face!

"Just roommates, sure" snickered one of them. 

"Shut it. Why are you here for Chrissy?" sweetly said Kuza. Ew. No. Chris is mine, not your's. 

"Ok, so, Ricky knows how to play guitar so I thought he could remplace TJ!!" 

Oh no. No no no no no! Chris I hate you! 

"Oh really? Cool! Here, take that stool and that guitar." said Angelo. 

"Wait! I'm not prepared, he! I can't! Sorry! I don't even know you guys and I'm too-"

"I'm Balz, this is Ghost, Kuza, Angelo, Chris and you, quickly introduced Balz, There. Now go please! We need a new guitarist and if you can play, show us." 

I looked up to Chris and saw his eyes, filled with all the hopes and dreams I didn't want to crush. 


Chris smiled, Kuza frowned, Balz gave me the guitar, Ghost looked at him and Angelo set me up. 


I hit the last note and looked up to my little audience, fear overrunning me. Part of me wanted to play for that band but I felt so scared at the same time. Performing outside didn't bother me because I couldn't disappoint anyone...mainly not Chris.  

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice them whispering among themselves. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"You're in" said Balz, smiling. 


A chapter longer than usual to apologize for the delay. I promise something good for the next chapter... ;)

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now