Revealed / Fred

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: A little bit sexual. If you don't like, either skip or read. For the rest, hope you enjoy!

The last two months had been oddly peaceful; Maegan found herself awaiting when the next death-eater attack would be and had to keep reminding herself that would never happen again.

She was currently seated on the couch in front of the fireplace ( the normal one, not the one used for the Floo ) at the Burrow. The whole family had pretty much disappeared after dinner, and she was left alone in the living room.

Her thoughts floated around, mainly focusing on the fact that Ron and Hermione finally realised their feelings during the battle of Hogwarts, and Harry and Ginny got back together afterwards, yet she was still alone. Even Percy had a girlfriend, for Merlin's sake! Why couldn't she at least have one guy who could fancy her back?

Alright, she'd dated a few guys while in Hogwarts but that was only to try and get over her one true love; Fred Weasley. She'd never expected him to fancy her back nor did she want to ruin their friendship by confessing her feelings to him, but due to that she was left with a broken heart.

Maegan let out a sigh as she drew her knees closer to her chest. She hardly noticed the warm tears that were escaping down her cheeks, nor the quiet sobs.

She had hoped that her love life would've improved after the Battle, but because she stayed at the Burrow after her parents basically disowned her and banned her from ever visiting them again, she saw Fred almost every other day because he and George came over for dinner at least four times a week.
Not to mention the Sundays. Even Bill came around occasionally on Sundays, and he was one of the few that had caught on to her feelings for Fred. Maegan knew by the way he looked at her, almost with pity sometimes.

Whimpering slightly, she pulled her sleeves down and wiped her eyes with them, wishing that she could change who she was, personality and appearance-wise. She was an  average height, and had soft curves, and her dark brown hair flowed down her shoulders most of the time.

It was just, she knew that Fred was really handsome, and all the girls that he'd been with had been lots prettier than she was. Take for example Angelina, who had a beautiful figure and an amazing personality.

Maegan sniffed again, but whipped her head up when she heard a 'whoosh', and a tall figure arrived through the Floo. "Hey Maegan. What are you doing up so l- Are you crying?" She recognised his voice immediately, and it was indeed her favourite Weasley.

"Oh. Fred, hey. Just allergies." She said, wiping her eyes and trying her best to keep a straight face. She knew she was bad at lying, but it was worth a shot. "You're still a terrible liar. You'd think George and I'd have rubbed off on you, eh?" Fred joked to ease the mood, and she couldn't help but let the corner of her mouth twitch up.

"I reckon I need more practice." Maegan said, and then turned away only to feel more tears fall down. Fred was over and sitting next to her in less than a minute's time, and his large, warm hand rubbed soothing circles in her lower back.

She tried her best to focus on stopping her tears and not how tingly her back felt from the contact, but failed at both the tasks.

"Hey hey, shh don't cry Mae." He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist as he held her close. "Why are you crying in the first place? If it's a bloke I'll happily batter him for you, y'know that right?" Fred jokes, and felt a surge of relief when he saw her smile.

"It's just that, you see Fred, everyone's continuing their life after the Battle, both their career and love life and I'm just stuck on either. I've got no idea if I want to go back to Hogwarts for my last year and maybe become an Auror, or if I want to do something else. And my love life is close to dead." Maegan explained, trying her best to speak clearly.

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