Always / Fred

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It was the middle of summer, though nearly fall, so a chilly breeze passed and Maegan couldn't wait to be inside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Although, on the other side she hadn't looked forward to today at all. Ever since she woke up at the break of dawn two days ago, she'd tried to think of every single excuse she could come up with to maybe skip work. However, she knew that Fred and George were pranksters; they knew exactly when someone were to be lying and also, he probably didn't remember anything.

They had both been drunk due to a glorious Friday evening spent drinking butterbeer and firewhiskey and talking about quidditch, the shop and relationships. It came to a point where Maegan angrily started complaining about her past relationship: a Muggle who had absolutely no idea what he was doing, in the relationship as a whole and in bed.

Fred, who tended to become even cheekier when drunk than during his sober state, had asked if she'd ever had a proper, skilled man in bed. Though after a few drinks she would normally become more confident and open, Maegan was still taken aback by his comment and had gone silent.

Her longtime friend had gently rested his hand on her knee and arched his eyebrow, a smirk plastered on his face-- Maegan quickly shook her head to get rid of the vibrant memory that seemed to play in her mind every second that she wasn't occupied. Which, she realised, was probably the reason why her apartment was now perfectly clean.

She opened the door to the shop after taking a deep breath. Maegan exhaled when she couldn't spot either of the two familiar redheads she had called her best friends since her first year at Hogwarts. She frowned when she realised that she really couldn't walk in and start work without greeting them a good morning first, or could she?

"Well, well, look who showed up." Maegan jumped and turned around to see George standing a few feet away from her, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Good morning," Maegan said, "Am I late?"

George shook his head, "No, love. I'm just messing with you, you know that. What's got you so deep in thought?" He walked over, resting a hand on her shoulder when he stopped in front of her.

"Oh, nothing really. How was your weekend?" Maegan swiftly changed the topic, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Relaxed. Well, except if you count Fred's constant whining." George chuckled, and Maegan felt her stomach twist.

"Fred was whining? Why?" She asked with an air of surprise, careful to keep her voice steady and George removed his hand from her shoulder.

"We'll talk about that later, yeah? It's nearly opening time." He said, the tone in his voice oddly serious and Maegan wondered briefly if Fred had remembered and if so whether he was annoyed at her for leaving.

Maegan nodded, smiling at George before she dropped her bag behind the desk and went to turn the sign on the door. When she had done that, she had turned only to find George gone and she let out a sigh. She didn't know exactly if it was one of relief or one of exhaustion, but either way she knew that she had to find a way out of this as quick as possible.

Through out the rest of the day, Maegan was grateful that it was busy. It was nearly September after all, which meant that most of the students were shopping for the necessities for their upcoming Hogwarts year. During her lunch break, she found herself thinking about Fred in a way that she would never have admitted to anybody.

She did fairly well with avoiding him, mainly because he and George spent most of the workday in the laboratory experimenting.

Although, as it neared six o'clock and the shop was slowly becoming less busy, when Maegan was busy tending to a quite needy customer, she felt a sudden presence next to her and turned to find Fred staring at her.

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