Scarlet Letters / George

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📝 NOTE: The poem that is written to her at breakfast is not mine. Credits to whoever wrote it!

Maegan awoke to a rose-y scent surrounding her and she yawned, sitting up as she rubbed her eyes before opening them. Her eyes immediately blew wide when she saw that her bed was covered in red and white rose petals. She recalled that today was February 14th, also known as Valentine's Day, but she didn't recall having an admirer ever before.

"Honestly, Hermione. It's all bullocks! The day isn't romantic at all. Plus, nobody's ever admired me and I don't see the fun in Valentine's Day at all!" She remembered saying to her best friend, Hermione Granger, yesterday evening when the topic of this particular day came up. Was this some sort of prank? She wondered briefly, before her eyes landed on a scarlet envelope on her nightstand that had her name written on it.

She leaned over and opened it, revealing a cream-coloured piece of parchment, inked with words.

Good morning - or.. happy Valentine's Day!

Thought you wouldn't have an admirer this year, right? Too bad. I hope you don't mind that I snuck in and scattered the petals over your bed? You look adorable when you sleep, by the way. But I noticed that before... Anyway, have a good day!

Yours Always,
S. A.

For a split second she was creeped out by the fact somebody had snuck in the dormitory and scattered petals all over her bed and watched her as she slept, but at the same time a wide smile spread on her face at the idea that somebody would actually have risked expulsion for that. Dormitories were forbidden to be entered by the opposite gender, after all, and Maegan was quite sure her 'admirer' was a male.

She got out of bed, making it and taking her wand from its place on her nightstand and she waved it, muttering a spell that got all the petals to fly into a small box. She wasn't going to let them disappear, after all. Maegan blushed as she slipped the note back in its envelope before hiding it under her clothes in the drawer, heading off to shower and get dressed before she made her way to the common room.

There, she found Hermione waiting for her and Maegan grew hot at the sudden thought that her 'admirer' could be in the room with her. She looked around and saw Fred and George lounging on one of the seats, and Maegan bit her lip.

"Morning." They both said in unison, and Maegan was unable to say anything. "Cat got your tongue?" George teased, and Maegan rolled her eyes. "Shove off, George."

She despised George so much. She could get along with Fred, though he bothered her to no end at times but George was just annoying. However, sometimes when they were alone it nearly seemed as if he were flirting with her, and she actually thought he was cute. But she'd never admit that to his face, of course. He was already cocky enough...

Hermione's eyebrows rose and she nudged her best friend's side, noticing how she had drifted off. "Maegan?"

"Hm?" Maegan replied, looking away from George. The note was still on her mind, and she couldn't seem to wrap her head around the fact somebody had written her a note - an admiring note - on Valentine's Day. "What happened?"

Maegan shrugged as George sent her a very cocky smirk. She rolled her eyes and turned around, stumbling her following words out in a quick fashion. "SomebodysneakedintothedormitoriesandleftmeanotebutIdon'tknowwhoitis!" She exclaimed, and Hermione giggled. "Slow down, please?"

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