Prince Charming / Fred

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"Oh believe me, she won't get a date!" A so-called friend of Maegan's laughed, and Maegan rolled her eyes. She didn't avert her attention from the book she was reading in the Ravenclaw common room, but simply allowed Claire and Bianca to start naming reasons why she wouldn't get a date.

Honestly, she didn't even know why she hung around those two. She preferred the Gryffindors, really. Most of her housemates, the girls mostly, were selfish and extremely full of themselves. There were some that were amazing, and very nice though sometimes a bit quirky. Take for example Luna Lovegood, who was one of Maegan's good friends though she was a few years below her.

Cho was also a friend of hers, though she was older and so they didn't get to speak often. Maegan often wondered why she was stuck with the vain girls that were in her year.

"She's not even pretty, Bianca. Why would anybody be around her, let alone be her date? She's lucky she has us." Maegan scoffed and looked up to Claire. "Somebody asked me, if you must know."

"Oh, of course! Was it your Prince Charming?" Fred is quite the charmer, yes. Maegan thought to herself though she did not voice these thoughts. They didn't deserve to know about her date to the Yule Ball. "Honestly." Maegan rolled her eyes, closing her book and walking off to the dormitories, leaving Bianca and Claire to gossip alone.


Maegan quietly got out of her bed, relieved that none of her fellow dorm mates had noticed she had slipped under the covers fully dressed. She conjured some pillows and propped them under the blankets to make it look as if she was still there and asleep, before she walked out.

It was easy for her to pass the Ravenclaw common room, which was circular and airy. Leaving Ravenclaw Tower was no problem either, though the trip to Gryffindor Tower was always a tad risky. She knew Fred would be waiting for her, and since it was a Friday she was sure the other Gryffindors were awake, unlike her housemates.

She wasn't allowed to enter the Gryffindor common room, the Tower that led to it was their meet up point because Fred was most familiar with it and so there was a lower risk of getting caught. After looking around all the corners and making sure each corridor she was walking through was Filch-free, Maegan arrived at the Gryffindor tower with her heart beating wildly in her chest.

This was quite a usual occurrence, especially with the recurring midnight walks Fred and her had at least twice a week. They weren't exactly official, though he had made clear he was the one taking her to the Yule Ball, and all his friends knew about his interest in her and her interest in him, but that's what it was until now.

They enjoyed each other's company, which was how it had started. Maegan was in the same year as Fred and George, and Maegan got paired with Fred in Transfiguration and so they ended up in the library one day working on their project/essay together. It was due to this that they got to know each other better and soon Maegan got to know all the Gryffindors a bit and whenever they were in the library, she'd sit with them.

However, her fellow housemates - specifically the ones in her year - weren't exactly amused by this. So, Fred had suggested they meet up at night to talk and enjoy themselves and Maegan had to say it was always a lot of fun. What had first started blooming into a great friendship, slowly started to feel as if there was more. Maegan knew she was falling for Fred, and when he asked her to be his date to the Yule Ball, she nearly squealed her answer.

Maegan smiled at the memory and it widened when she saw her favourite person waiting for her at the bottom of the spiral staircase. When she walked closer, he stood up and turned around to face her. His facial expression mirrored hers, and she ran up to him and flung her arms around his neck.

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