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It was a frosty evening in the middle of December, Christmas had just passed and the new year was soon to come, and the street of Diagon Alley was covered in snow, the buildings mostly dull, except one.

Maegan made her way to that one shop she had been to so many times, and even though it was past seven in the evening, she knew it would be open. She took a deep breath and opened the bright orange door.

"You can do this." She reminded herself quietly, walking through and closing the door behind her. The room in front of her was exactly the same as the last time she'd been here, four months ago.

The walls were filled with all the different kinds of objects they sold. Maegan made her way through, keeping an eye open for either one or both of the red-heads who owned the shop.

Fred and George Weasley. Her best friends throughout Hogwarts, through out the War and post-battle. At Hogwarts they had always been known as the pranking trio, and were famous for their amazing idea.

They had been through so much together, including heartbreaks, bad news, detention, you name it. Not to mention, George and her had saved Fred's life in the battle as he was almost blasted into a wall by Rookwood, a death eater.

Maegan closed her eyes as her heart ached at the flood of memories invading her mind, and she balled her fists, trying to stay strong. She inhaled deeply, looking around for any sign of the tall redheads.

"Maegan? Is that you?" She heard a voice from behind her, which caused her to jump. Maegan quickly turned, coming to stand face to face with Fred.

She knew it was Fred and not George because of the missing of a particular freckle on his nose, which George did have. As identical twins, even their own mother couldn't differentiate them at times, but Maegan somehow could.

From the start on she had noticed the different patterns of freckles on their hands, noses and cheeks. She had realised how George's voice was just an octave deeper than Fred's, and then there was also the difference in their postures and personalities.

"Merlin. I can't believe it's you." Fred gasped, bringing his hands up to her cheeks and cupping them. "You've lost weight. Who's been feeding you?" He asked, a look of concern etched upon his features and Maegan felt her heart flutter.

He hadn't even questioned her why she was here, nor did he get angry at her for leaving them so long ago. She'd wrote him ages back, explaining what had happened and why she had decided to pack her bags.

"Just haven't put much thought to food lately." She said honestly, and her eyes involuntarily fluttered shut as Fred traced the scar on her cheekbone with his thumb. "Where's George?" Maegan asked, voice cracking halfway through the other Weasley twin's name.

Fred licked his lip before biting it, pulling his hands away from her face. "Experimenting. He's been worried sick about you. He didn't mean what he said that night, Mae. He really didn't." Fred told her and she let out a whimper.

Maegan felt his arms wrap around her waist as he pulled her into his chest, letting her tears wet his jumper. He gently rubbed circles into her back, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. "He's not angry at you, he really isn't. If he's angry at anyone, it's himself." Fred mumbled, trying to soothe his best friend.

"C-Can I see him?" She asked with a soft tremble to her voice, pulling herself away from Fred's very comfortable chest. Fred nodded, kissing the top of her head before he unwrapped his arms from around her and made his way to a bright orange door with 'PRIVATE' on it in purple letters.

Maegan wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dark grey jumper, trying to mentally prepare herself as she heard Fred say "George, there's somebody here for you."

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