Through The Years / Fred

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NOTE 📝: I messed up by saying that Fred was still alive when Harry got carried in but he wasn't , so I'm sorry about that. I can't be arsed to change it though ( I wrote this at midnight which is why I was too lazy to check ) and well... just act as if please? Thank you lovelies xx

~ summer before her fourth year ~

With a sigh, Maegan opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Her attempt to nap for an hour had failed, all she could do was think about him. She rolled onto her side to face the wall, a clear picture of his ginger hair, slim face and plump light pink lips burned into her memory, forever.

It was the summer before her fourth year at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she was currently staying at the Weasleys' home, The Burrow, and had another week to go before they left for school.

Maegan brought her hands up to cover her face, groaning as she felt that her temperature wasn't dropping.

Mrs Weasley had sent her up to bed after she had taken a potion against this bad fever she had. Her advice had been to rest, but just before that Maegan had been watching the Weasley boys, Harry and Ginny play Quidditch, and one particular Weasley kept nagging at her thoughts.

She decided to get up, straightening the bed sheets before making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen slowly. "Maegan!" She was greeted by quite a shout from Mrs Weasley, and a chorus from everyone else.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Weasley, but I couldn't sleep." Maegan said, rubbing her upper arm due to sheer habit. "That's alright, dear. Everybody's in for some sandwiches, as you can see. Would you like some?" The ginger-haired woman asked, and Maegan smiled slightly but shook her head.

"No, thank you." She said. Mrs Weasley nodded and gestured her to sit down, of course the only vacant seat being next to him. "How are you feeling?" He asked gently, and she was sure her insides were doing silly little back- and front flips.

Maegan blushed as his identical twin brother nudged him, whispering in his ear. "Fred, George! No whispering at the table." Mrs Weasley scolded them, causing them to immediately sit straight and George to take a bite of his sandwich while pulling an innocent face.

"I'm alright, just feel really hot." Maegan told Fred, answering his question and he nodded as he took a bite of his sandwich. He glanced over at her for a second, before swallowing his bite and asking, "You sure you're not hungry?"

Maegan nodded and smiled. "Yeah, just don't feel like I'll be able to keep it down, you know?"

"I know." He replied cheekily, flashing her that famous Weasley smirk, and her stomach filled with butterflies. "Cool." She whispered, under her breath as she sat there, wondering what the hell she was going to do with this crush.

~ fourth year at hogwarts ~

The Yule Ball was around the corner, and all the girls were worried about who was going to ask them. Maegan, however, knew that her crush would never ask her, and decided to not give it much thought.

They had tried to enter the Triwizard Tournament, and when Harry had gone through Maegan had been extremely worried about her friend's survival risks.

That had been a good distraction to the fact that Fred Weasley was around quite much, prancing around cracking jokes and playing pranks with his twin. Maegan had come to the conclusion that this tall, handsome and extremely hilarious boy could never be hers, and so her crush on him had become a secret.

A secret only she and Hermione knew about. Her best friend had been the only person who she felt she could go to whenever she needed or wanted to, especially anything related to Fred.

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