"Episkey" / Bill

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Maegan was simply roaming around the Burrow when she overheard the eldest Weasley talk to his mother. She couldn't help but listen in, because she truthfully fancied Bill, and heard him talk about why his wife Fleur wasn't with him.

"She left me, Mum. I came home from work one night and all there was left of her was a note. It said that she'd found someone else, and that he didn't have 'ugly scars and she didn't have to feel humiliated with him while in public'."
Maegan frowned as she leaned in closer to the door, listening carefully. Poor Bill, she thought. They went to school together and were the best of friends, but that drifted away when he went to Egypt to become a curse breaker at Gringotts and she became an auror for the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh dear." She heard Molly say, "To be quite frank, I don't think she deserved a handsome boy like you it if thought that way about you."

Maegan tried her best not to bend towards the door too much, in case that someone walked by ( a chance that is very high here at the Burrow, seeing that everyone's staying around for Christmas at the moment ), but couldn't help herself. She wished she could go in and comfort Bill, but he hardly recognised her.


Maegan hadn't seen the Weasleys in years, and hugged each one of them on her arrival. Mrs Weasley beckoned her to sit close to her so that she could tell her all the juicy news about what she'd missed.

She half-listened to what Mrs Weasley had to say, and half-wondered whether or not Bill was coming. She hadn't seen him for years, and wondered if he still knew who she was.

Suddenly, when Mrs Weasley had just served everyone drinks and some bread as a bit of an appetiser, the door flew open and in walked Bill. His face was solemn, and a number of scars made their way across his face.

Most girls would say that the scars made him unattractive, but Maegan just couldn't say the same thing. They gave him a real manly look, as well as an obvious aura of experience, sensibility and intelligence.

"Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late." Bill smiled and ruffled Ron's hair, causing almost everyone to laugh at the face he made. "Hey Bill." Maegan said quietly, and Mrs Weasley immediately started rambling about how lovely it was that Maegan had joined them for a Christmas dinner this year.

"Oh- Maegan." Bill nodded, directed a twitch of a smile at her before he sat down next to the George.

She gulped and looked down at her plate, feeling a rush of hurt run through her. Had he really forgotten all the good times they'd had, the pranks they'd held on the Slytherins, the midnight walks they'd had and the times they went to Hogsmeade and got butterbear together after roaming around the village? Maegan reckoned he had, and silently continued the night, only talking whenever someone directed something at her or asked her a question.

**End of Flashback**

"Maegan! What in the name of Merlin's saggy old pants are you doing?" Fred and George appeared, and Maegan quickly repositioned herself. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing why?"

"You were obviously hanging around that door for a reason."

"Yeah Mae, were you eavesdropping on someone?"

"I bet it was Bill! You've got quite the crush on our dear older brother don't you?"

Maegan felt the blush rise to her cheeks, but she quickly shook her head. "Shut up, guys."

"Hello dear!" Mrs Weasley's voice boomed behind her, and she'd realised the door had been opened. "Hello Mrs Weasley! Sorry, I was about to knock and ask if I could come in but then Fred and George passed by." Maegan explained, lying smoothly. She glared at the twins and so they nodded with a sweet smile, not wanting to be hexed into oblivion by the auburn-haired girl.

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