Midsummer Games / Fred

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📝Note: This collection was marked as completed a pretty long time ago. And that was because I kind of lost touch with Harry Potter. But now the flame has been fuelled again and here I am. Let's hope you guys can see some improvement in my writing, too! Thanks so much for 8 freaking thousand reads! Cheers to you guys. And all the love to Puglyy because this entire collection is basically dedicated to her and it wouldn't be here without her. You guys are awesome. x V.

P.S: this doesn't have that much plot. I just got inspired and I was bored, so I hope it's of average quality.
/ so, this probably sucked. Sorry in advance.

She watched him from the other side of the table. They were all at the Burrow for the summer, and Maegan knew it wasn't healthy to be crushing so hard on somebody she barely even knew. Somebody who so happened to be the brother of two of her best friends, too.

He was fooling around, smiling and laughing along with his twin brother while somehow managing to eat two helpings of Mrs Weasley's mouthwatering chicken, baked potatoes and vegetables. Maegan, too, had been eating, but she could never eat as much as the Weasley boys. Never.

She loved spending time at the Burrow. It was her favourite place to be besides Hogwarts, and she was ecstatic to find out she was allowed to spend the entire summer there.

It was a typical warm midsummer evening, and Maegan was still wearing the clothes she had worn to the lake. Her hair was still damp, and her skin was tinged red from too much exposure to the sun. She had forgotten to cast a sun protecting charm, but she had some Muggle aftersun cream with her anyway.

"Maegan?" Mrs Weasley's voice intruded her thoughts, and Maegan looked away from her object of admiration as quickly as she could. She knew she had been staring, and she crossed her fingers that she hadn't been caught. "Yeah?" She replied.

"Would you like some dessert, dear?" Mrs Weasley asked. Maegan nodded. "Yes, please. Thank you, Mrs Weasley."

The lady only smiled and got up, the empty plates magically stacking up and following her to the kitchen. Ginny, who was sitting next to Maegan, grinned at her. "Did you enjoy today?"

"Absolutely." Maegan replied.

"Good." Ginny smiled at her, and then Mrs Weasley returned with the dessert. Maegan's thoughts were averted from the Weasley boy for a while, and she was grateful for that.

— —

"So we're playing a Muggle game?" Harry asked. Everybody was sitting in a large circle, a glass in front of every one of them. Two bottles of fire whiskey were placed in the centre of the circle, and Maegan briefly wondered how this would end up.

"Yes. It's called Never Have I Ever." Fred said. Apparently he and George had been researching on some fun Muggle party games of some sorts, because they suddenly knew many. "Somebody makes a statement about something they've never done, then the people who have done it have to drink."

George then continued. "If only one person has done it, they have to explain. When nobody drinks, the person making the statement has to drink."

"Blimey." Ron said. Maegan laughed, and tucked her hair behind her ear. She was trying to convince herself that this wouldn't end up being so disastrous, because at least it wasn't truth or dare. The only downside was that Fred was sitting right opposite her, and so she couldn't keep her eyes off of him. That's right — she had a crush on Fred Weasley.

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