Best Friend's Brother p. 1 / Fred

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NOTE 📝: There's no Voldy in this! Hope you understand that it was a bit hard to fit in so I went a.u. Hope you enjoy however ! X

Ginny Weasley rushed down the stairs of the Owlery towards the Year 5 girls' dorm, where she suspected her friend, Maegan Waters, was studying.

And indeed, she was. "Maegan!" Ginny exclaimed in such a high voice Maegan nearly had to cover her ears. "Yes, Ginny?" The girl asked, raising her eyebrows at her best friend's excitement.

"Mum agreed to letting you stay for the Christmas holidays!" Ginny giggled, and Maegan's eyes lit up at the announcement. "Really? That's amazing!" She said, putting her Transfiguration text book aside and jumped off the bed towards Ginny, who she hugged tightly.

Ginny laughed and hugged back, before going to get a piece of parchment, her eagle's feather quill (which had been a birthday present from Bill, her oldest brother), and a pot of ink. Maegan went back to studying as her best friend penned a reply to her mother.


When that term's examination had been taken, trunks had been packed and most importantly, the Christmas holidays had arrived, Maegan couldn't be happier.

Ginny and her seated themselves in a booth with Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan for their train ride from Hogsmeade to King's Cross, London. To pass the time, they played some rounds of exploding snap and wizard's chess, before the lady with the sweets passed and they ended up talking about the exams.

When they finally arrived, Ginny and Maegan made their way out of the train in search of Mrs Weasley. They found her, and she greeted them excitedly. Maegan introduced herself, feeling a little bit shy although that soon changed when Mrs Weasley pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

Ron and Harry arrived as well, steering their carts over and greeting Mrs Weasley, Maegan and Ginny. They then proceeded in leaving, Ginny telling Maegan stories about how her brothers Fred and George had once almost blown up their home due to their experimenting.

That night, after they had had a delicious and well-enjoyed dinner, Ginny explained about all of her brothers to Maegan. The brunette had of course, known Percy, Fred and George from her previous years at Hogwarts, yet had never properly spoken to them.

When they had decided it was time for bed, Maegan laid in her bed that had been set up in Ginny's room, thinking about today as well as school.

Ginny and her had only become close friends last year, when Maegan had joined Dumbledore's Army. Before that, they knew each other faintly and spoke once in a while due to partner projects in their classes or any difficulties with homework.

She briefly wondered whether or not Fred and George Weasley would be visiting at any time during these two weeks, but pushed that thought away when she remembered how busy it had been at their shop in Diagon Alley the day she went there.

After a while she fell asleep, sleeping deeply and not at all expecting what would happen the next morning...


Maegan awoke to a series of bangs echoing through the Burrow, and quickly shot up when she heard Ginny squeal. "Fred and George are here!" She exclaimed, wide awake while Maegan was rubbing her eyes tiredly. It wasn't even fully light yet, how could her best friend have so much energy at this hour of the day?

"How do you kn-" Maegan was about to ask, but a shrill voice cut her off.

"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY! WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME ARE YOU DOING HERE AT THIS UNHOLY HOUR?!" Mrs Weasley yelled, and both Ginny and Maegan shot up and rushed down the stairs.

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