Christmas at Hogwarts / Bill

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Christmas at Hogwarts had always been extremely magical, literally. Whereas in the Muggle world there would be Christmas trees with baubles, candles and either a star or angel as a peak, at Hogwarts it was different.

You see, Hogwarts' Christmas trees were decorated with hundreds of candles, live fairies, etc. There was always such a beautiful atmosphere in the castle around Christmas time, and Maegan loved it.

The Great Hall hosted four parallel tables, each for the houses of Hogwarts. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Maegan made her way over to the large wooden tables, and was immediately greeted by her fellow friends who also stayed for Christmas at Hogwarts.

There was Louise Specter, Maegan's best friend who was a Metamorphmagus, and always entertained her friends with her constant hair colour changes and nose transformations.

Then there was Victoria Vector, Violet Parker, and Jonathan Judson, quite alright friends of them, but they mainly just sat with them and made conversation between the three of them.

But then, lastly, there were Bill and Charlie Weasley. They were brothers, both in Gryffindor and both had flaming red hair, and quite unusual personalities. Bill had longer hair than Charlie, was two years older, and had an intriguingly different fashion sense. However, Charlie seemed to be the best student of the Care of Magical Creatures class, and had a passion for mischief.

Maegan smiled as she sat herself down next to Charlie, who was annoying Louise with constant facts about dragons. He had a fascination for these creatures, and Maegan was sure he'd end up working with them someday.

Bill, however, had his head bent over an Ancient Runes textbook, doing a great job at ignoring his younger brother. "Hey guys." Maegan smiled, and laughed when Louise's hair turned bright pink with joy. "Hey! The feast is going to start soon. Afterwards, we could exchange presents in the common room." She suggested.

At the mention of 'feast', Bill's head popped up and he closed the book. "Oh, hey Maegan. Sorry, that chapter had me hooked. How is your Christmas so far?" He asked before casting a shrinking spell on the book and sliding it in the pocket of his trousers.

"Amazing. I have you guys here." She said, and Charlie grinned. "Yes, indeed, you do. By the way, that jumper looks extremely comfortable. Mum gave it to ya?" He asked, and Maegan nodded with a bright smile. "Yeah! When I got it I loved it. The one from last year was torn from that time in the forest."

Louise giggled at the mention of that event. It had happened at the end of spring, and it was quite chilly outside so Maegan had word the personalised jumper Mrs. Weasley made and sent her every Christmas. Louise and her had gone in the Forbidden Forest secretly to explore, and Maegan's jumper had caught on a tree branch and tore.

Maegan's family weren't especially happy with her because of her sorting into Gryffindor. Her parents were extremely proud Ravenclaws, and both her older brother and sister had gotten in, except for Maegan herself, and so she had become a disgrace.

However, when she met Bill in her first year and later also befriended Charlie in her third, Bill's family happily accepted her to spend Christmas and summer at their house whenever she pleased. She loved the Burrow, it was a weirdly built yet homely place, and it was always filled with random bits and pieces, which made it extremely cozy.

Bill and Charlie had four younger brothers and a younger sister, Percy, Fred and George ( identical twins, which they loved because they got to mess with people's heads with this ), Ron and Ginny.

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