Fireworks / George

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The Burrow hosted all the Weasley family members, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Penelope ( Percy's girlfriend ), Fleur and I for a cozy, so far extremely delicious New Year's Eve dinner.

Mrs Weasley had prepared a lovely three course meal, which we had enjoyed outside on a long wooden table that Bill, Charlie and Mr Weasley had moved outside when it turned out way too hot and tight inside.

Hermione and Fred were completely in love, Luna and Ron as well and Harry and Ginny too. This had left me thinking about whether or not I should be getting more into dating. Of course, I really couldn't seeing I have had a huge crush on George Weasley ever since I met him when he was in his third year and I was in my first year at Hogwarts.

He was simply dreamy, and I'd become really close friends with Ron, Hermione and Harry over the years so I was pretty much accepted into the Weasley family. I was the one who made Fred realise his one true love was Hermione once she had disarmed the death eater who was planning to kill Fred, as well as blasted him out of the window.

I sighed, running my fingers through my messy ponytail and suddenly felt a body squeeze itself between Fleur and I. Surprised to find George sitting next to me, I was easily mesmerised by his beautiful fudge-coloured eyes and shaggy ginger hair that looked extremely soft. Speaking of soft, his lips looked like they'd feel almost velvety against my own...

"You know, taking a picture would last longer." George said cheekily which caused me to immediately blush. "S-sorry." I stammered, looking away quickly as I tapped my fingers on the edge of the table nervously. "It's alright." He said, and I looked back at him to find his lips parted as if he were to say something.


"Maegan, I'm sorry, dear, but could you please help me take these to the kitchen?" Mrs Weasley requested, and I immediately nodded. "Of course." I said, giving George a look that I hoped said 'sorry, I'll come back soon so you can tell me then' before grabbing the empty plates after getting up.

When I reach the kitchen, I put the plates down on the counter and then make my way back, but see that George has taken a seat next to Fred once again. I can't help but feel saddened, but shrugged it off and sat back next to Fleur.

Dessert arrived, traditional pudding as well as cake, and everybody immediately dug in. "So, Maegan, how's the Auror training coming along?" Harry asked me, looking me straight in the eye as he was sitting opposite me. "Oh, great. I'll be finishing soon which is extremely exciting." I answered, and he nodded with a smile.

When dessert too was finished, and the plates were taken inside by Mrs Weasley, myself and Hermione, I found myself sitting down on the grass as I watched Bill and Charlie play Quidditch against Ron and Harry.

"Quite entertaining, isn't it?" A voice asked, and I nodded, looking up to see George cradling two blankets before he sat himself down next to me and handed me one of them. "I reckoned you'd have become a bit chilly, so I brought you one too."

"Thanks." I said quietly, wrapping it around myself and hummed in appreciation when I realised someone had cast a warming charm on it. "Who do you think's gonna win?" George asked, wrapping his dark blue blanket around himself as well.

I directed my gaze at the side of his face, taking in his breathtaking attractiveness. "Uhm, I'm not sure. Charlie and Harry are both great seekers." I shivered slightly, feeling the cold air tickle my back.

The feeling subsided when an arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me closer into the person's side and I smiled as I couldn't help but lean in. "True. Charlie and Bill're winning though." George smiled, and leaned his cheek against the top of my head.

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