Shampoo / Bill

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Maybe she'd used the wrong shampoo, or maybe someone had pulled a trick on her. It was probably the latter, thought Maegan sadly. After her shower, she looked in the mirror and saw nothing weird, so got dressed and left back to the Gryffindor common room.

But when she arrived there, that's when everyone was laughing at her. Even Bill, her secret crush and the Gryffindor Head Boy, was laughing along with everyone. Everyone was nodding at him approvingly and Maegan's heart hurt at the thought that he caused this.

She knew it was her shampoo, she'd touched her hair and pulled it to her eyesight and saw that it was a dark blue. It was horrible, but thankfully it was a Saturday so none of the teachers would have a go at her for having dark blue hair in their classroom.

When tears formed in her eyes, she ran off to the dormitories, where she drew the curtains of her bed closed and cast a Muffliato spell on the small space so that nobody could hear her sobs and frantic mumbling for a colour-changing charm.

When she started to overhear the girls she shared her dorm with gossip about her, she grabbed her charms book and wand, before leaving the dorms and common room. She tried to block out everyone, but it was hard because everyone was either hollering at her or laughing at her.

Finally she got to the small field where most of the students would study or hang around in the week days, but on Saturdays like these a lot of the students went to Hogsmeade.

Maegan found herself under a tree, looking through the charms book until she finally found an appropriate colour-changing charm. She cast it, focusing on the colour she wanted her hair to be, but when she checked her hair it had only become a bright pink that slowly faded into dark blue at the tips, and she let out a strangled sob.

She threw her book to the ground and pulled her knees up into her chest, heart aching as she wished that she could've been a better person, because maybe then Bill Weasley would actually look at her unless whenever he had played a prank on her or whenever he had to ask her something, which was a rare occasion on its own.

She didn't understand why she couldn't just be like everyone else, but she couldn't help but blame herself. If it wasn't for her immediate bookish behaviour in her first year then maybe now she wouldn't have to constantly ignore snarky comments and insults thrown her way.

Bill Weasley didn't mean to hurt the fifth year's feelings, he didn't even mean to embarrass her. It was a sheer coincidence that the shampoo bottle he chose to slip the potion into was hers, but now he regretted not playing the prank on somebody else.

When she'd first stormed up to the girls' dormitories, he hadn't put much thought to it. But when she came running back down after fifteen minutes with a Charms book pressed to her chest and tears streaming down her face, he got up and told his friends he had to go to the library to look up some book for his Defence Against The Dark Arts essay.

Instead, though, he followed the fifth year girl to the small yard and watched from a distance as she failed to properly produce a colour-changing charm. Well, she succeeded in changing the colour of half her hair, but it was a bright pink and he was quite sure that wasn't her intention.

When she burst into a series of sobs, though, his heart clenched with guilt and he ended up walking towards her and sitting down next to her. "I'm sorry." He said, and her head shot up so fast he worried if she'd broken her neck at first.

"N-no, n-no it's f-fine. I'm g-getting used to I-it." She smiled but it was watery and forced, causing him to frown. "Getting used to what?" He asked, but knew the answer yet he feared to hear it from her lips.

"Being used as an object of p-public humiliation, and a t-test subject for you guys' pranks. I c-can't even produce the colour-changing charm properly. I'm p-pathetic." She sobbed, and he felt horrible. "I didn't mean to play the prank on you. I had randomly chosen your shampoo bottle when I was in a rush because I didn't want to get caught, and I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings so badly." Bill told her, gently patting her shoulder.

He watched her flinch and tense at the contact at first, before relaxing and leaning into his touch just slightly. "Never mind it. I'm s-sure you have better things to d-do than comfort someone like m-me. Don't want to waste your time, after a-all." Maegan said, and Bill frowned harder.

"Allow me to buy you a butterbeer and accompany you for one at The Three Broomsticks next Saturday." Bill asked, nervously wondering what his friends were going to say if they found out he'd practically asked a fifth-year out just because he felt bad for a prank.

"No, no I don't want to stand in between you and one of your friends. I m-mean, you're only asking me because you feel sorry for me anyway, and I've had enough of that." Maegan said, and he knew she'd grown angry.
He mentally slapped himself, wishing he'd have dealt with this different.

"Maegan, love I didn't mean it like that." He rambled as she grabbed her charms book. "I didn't mean to offend you. I really want to take you out to apologise-"

"Just to apologise. I know, I know, I know. Bill Weasley, why would the perfect Bill Weasley, Head Boy of Gryffindor, want to go out with someone like me? Oh yes, only so that he can boast about the fact she was so easy to his friends." Maegan snapped, getting even angrier.

"I would never!" Bill protested, pushing himself up on his feet once she'd stood up herself. "Oh quit lying to yourself! If you haven't realised you and your friends made my life hell, and that while I had a huge crush on you! How could I ever think I had a chance with you? I guess I thought that maybe it was one of those popular Muggle love stories where the popular boy realises he loves the nerd and they end up dating, but I guess that's just all fake. I don't want your stupid lies, Bill, and I definitely don't want to get hurt even more."


"Stop. Just leave me alone." She said, sniffling softly as tears formed in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. "Please, Maegan let me properly apologise."

"I said to leave me alone, Bill!" She yelled, losing her temper.

"Fine! I was just trying to apologise to you and I was going to stand up to my friends for you but whatever, whatever I'll leave you alone!" He stomped off, and Maegan sighed as she made her way to the library, the only place she knew she could be on her own and think.

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