Sultry p. 1 / George

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"Maegan, hello dear!" Mrs Weasley embraced the young girl into a warm hug as a greeting, and she happily returned it. "Hello, Mrs Weasley." Maegan smiled as her cheeks were squished and her best friend's mother laughed joyfully.

"Come on in, dear, come on in!" She exclaimed, opening the door wider and allowing her inside their strangely built but homely home. "Thank you." The young witch thanked her as she walked in.

Her gaze fell upon the living room, filled with random objects and of course a fireplace which she guessed was also connected to the Floo Network, and couches.

"Hermione and Harry have already arrived, dear. Ginny!" Mrs Weasley yelled the name of her youngest child and only daughter, who immediately came rushing down the stairs to stand in front of them.

"Maegan!" The young girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around the brunette's next who smiled and hugged her back. "Hey Ginny."

"Ginny, will you be a dear and show Maegan to her room? The potatoes must be cooked by now." And so Mrs Weasley left them, scurrying towards the kitchen.

Ginny smiled brightly at Maegan, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs. "You'll be sleeping in Percy's old room, Mum wanted to give you Fred and George's but they announced that they would be coming over for dinner too, and since Hermione is sleeping in Bill's and Harry is sharing Ron's, you had to sleep in Percy's." She rambled excitedly as they climbed two flights of stairs.

"It's alright, I don't mind." Maegan said, unable to stop a smile from forming on her face. "You said Fred and George were coming over?"

"Oh, yes! Mum invited them since it's a bit of a feast with you, Hermione and Harry here and they actually decided to come!" Ginny giggled, coming to a stop in front of a door with 'Percy' written on it. Maegan nodded, a smile still tugging on her lips as Ginny opened the door and walked in with her.

"Here it is. Would you rather come with me on a tour of the house before we go to Hermione or would you like to unpack and settle down first?" Ginny asked, almost bouncing in her spot. Maegan laughed and dropped her bag at the end of the bed.

"I'll come with, Ginny. I can always unpack later." Maegan said, grinning when she watched Ginny nod with excitement and skip out of the room. Maegan quickly followed, closing the door behind her.

Ginny successfully gave her a quick tour of the Burrow, explaining where her room was and also what spells to use if she wanted to use the shower without any of the boys, or anyone for that matter, accidentally walking in.

She also properly showed her where her and Hermione's ( technically Bill's ) rooms were in case Maegan needed them.

After about fifteen minutes, they arrived in the living room and Ginny led her outside, where Ron and Harry were playing one-on-one Quidditch and Hermione was reading a book while laying on the grass.

"Guys look who showed up!" Ginny announced, which got all of Maegan's friends' attention and she watched as Harry and Ron immediately waved at her from up in the air. Hermione looked up from her copy of Hogwarts, A History, and closed it before getting up and walking over to them.

"Hey Hermione!" Maegan exclaimed excitedly, meeting her halfway and they hugged. "Hey Maegan. When did you get here?" Hermione asked with a smile on her face.

Maegan grinned and looked sideways at Harry and Ron's game. "I reckon about twenty minutes ago. Ginny showed me my room and gave me a tour first." Maegan explained, smiling.

"Ah, I see." Hermione smiled, before they were interrupted by Harry calling Maegan. "Maegan! Want to join Ron's team? Ginny's on mine!" He shouted, a smile clear on his face even though he was hovering quite a distance above them.

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