Never Trust The Player p. 2 / Bill {Mature}

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Maegan had become a healer and she worked at St. Mungo's but due to the distressing times she had taken off and become a member of the Order of The Phoenix.

She was not too excited about the fact she'd see Bill again, but thankfully for her she actually didn't. He seemed to be busy at Gringotts whenever she did come around, and so they never stood eye-to-eye.

Not until the Battle.

She had stood beside him when they invaded the Great Hall, showing their support to Harry. Although, it hadn't been the time to reminisce nor had it been the time to take out all those years' frustrations on him.

Yes, of course she'd briefly glanced at him and thought, how in the name of Merlin's saggy old pants had he turned out to be even more attractive? But she hadn't voiced these thoughts, of course. She wasn't even sure if he was single, for that matter. She did know, however, that he wasn't married. That had been a huge relief.

But, you see, Maegan had pretty much vowed to never fall in love with any untrustworthy male again, but it had only taken one glance at Bill and she was already head over heels. She wondered if he even recognised her.

Before she could properly talk to him, though, the battle had begun and they were fighting death eaters, dementors and giants.

Maegan was currently fighting a death eater she didn't know, but she'd noticed how he was tall and horrid-looking. She sent a stunning spell his way, which he skilfully blocked while simultaneously sending a curse her way.

It was about to hit her, and she had already embraced the fact death could hit her any second now, when a bright light was cast and instead of the curse hitting her, it hit somebody else. Maegan gasped as she noticed it was Bill, who now had an ugly-looking gash on his upper thigh yet the death eater she'd been fighting was laying on the ground, supposedly dead.

"B-Bill..." It had been so long since her lips had formed that oh-so-familiar name, and a rush of worry coursed through her as Bill groaned. She whipped out her wand and helped him sit with his back towards the wall. "I can't promise this won't hurt." She whispered, muttering some spells as she moved her wand above the nasty wound.

Bill huffed out a laugh, head thrown back as he smiled. "As long as I'm allowed to keep my leg, I'll be forever grateful."

Maegan bit her lip as she used a spell to bandage it. "Since it was dark magic, it'll take a while to heal." She said. "But, it will heal eventually, in due time. I'm not sure you'll be able to carry on fighting, though."

"Nonsense." Bill said stubbornly, and Maegan smiled as she was hit with a ton of memories that she had locked away. She let her eyes run over his face and body, and she noticed how he'd filled out. He had looked amazing in his seventh year, but now he had that sexy, manly aura surrounding him while before it had been boyish and playful.

Maegan noticed how his eyes were still the beautiful shade of blue she has loved so much it had become her favourite colour, as well as the fact his lips were still plump and pink.

"Maegan..." Bill said to catch her attention, and she blushed as she quickly scrambled to her feet. "I can help you get to the Great Hall." She said, helping him stand up. "I think I'll be okay." Bill protested, but she shook her head.

"I'm going with you anyway. See it as a way to make sure you're safe, a thank you for saving my life." Maegan said, wrapping her arm around his torso and gripping onto the hand of the arm he had thrown over her shoulder. Bill didn't reply, he seemed quite lost in thought.

Maegan briefly wondered if he was reminiscing like she had been a few moments ago, but shook that thought off when she had to cast a shield charm to protect them from a spell coming their way. She stunned a few death eaters who tried to come close, and when she finally got to the Great Hall she decided to stay there with Bill and the other students, staff or aurors who needed the healers' attention.

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