Mine / Fred

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  Maegan was staying at the Weasley's home, The Burrow, for the last three weeks of the summer holidays. Today was her first day here ( she had arrived over night ), and she decided to help Mrs Weasley with the dishes.

The Weasley brothers were all outside playing Quidditch together with Harry and Ginny. One caught her eye, and even though he had an identical twin brother, his behaviour just really spoke to her.

She was watching them as she washed and rinsed the dirty dishes. She smiled whenever Fred's team scored, and when he looked her way her cheeks fired up and she dropped the plate that she was putting away and it fell to the ground.

Maegan bent over to pick up all the pieces of the now broken plate, but a voice stopped her. "What are you doing, picking that up with your bare hands! You could've cut yourself." Fred was standing in the doorway, and she immediately dropped all of the pieces, shattering some of them again. Well done Maegan, she thought to herself, he probably thinks you're a clumsy idiot. "Are you okay?" He asked, suddenly crouched in front of her as he took her hands. He examined them and when he found them clean of any scratches, he pulled his wand out of his pocket and all of the pieces flew back together and the plate was as good as new.

"Charlie taught George and I the spell when we were in our first year, because we kept breaking things with our pranks and such." A smile spread on Fred's face as he relived the memory, and Maegan was trying her best to breathe normally since she was so close to him she could feel his breath on her face.

He stood up, and offered her a hand to help her up. When she grasped it, she felt electricity run up her arm and when their faces were only a few centimetres apart, her heart started hammering in her chest.

"Oh uh- th-thanks. And yeah I'm uh okay." She stammered, and mentally slapped herself for being so pathetic. He smiled, and patted her shoulder.

"Alright. See you around... Maegan right?"

The girl nodded, blushing hard that he'd remembered her name even though she hadn't ever properly spoken to him before. Fred smiled and left the room, allowing her to take a deep breath and calm down before going back to the dishes.

It was two days later that Ron, Harry, Hermione and herself were sitting in Ron's room, playing exploding snap when his head whipped up, and he looked at Maegan. "It's kind of weird how you like my brother, isn't it?"

Maegan was caught completely off guard, and all she managed to do was stammer out a "n-no I d-don't." She was quite confident, but when it came to Fred she became a stammering, awkward mess. Hermione giggled next to her, and Harry smirked a little. "Sure you don't, Mae. Don't worry, we'll keep your secret safe, won't we Ron?"

"Sure will, Harry." Ron grinned, and that was the end of the conversation.

That night Maegan decided to sneak out of her and Hermione's room ( they were sharing Percy's, after he had left ), and tip toed downstairs. She wanted to sit outside, under the blanket of stars that filled the night's sky, like she did so often at home when she needed to think.

But, to her dismay she bumped hard into a tall figure, and fell backwards. The figure quickly caught her by her waist, and helped her stand up. A crimson-coloured blush rose to her cheeks when she recognised him as Fred.

"Maegan! What are you doing down here? You should be sleeping."

"Shouldn't you be, too?" Maegan asked him, raising her eyebrow and he laughed. "I'm older, sweetheart, I can stay up as long as you like."

Her stomach did a weird happy dance at the nickname he'd given her, and she smiled. "We both know your mum would still kill you if she found you here right now."

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