Adorable p. 1 / George

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The starry night sky was exceptionally beautiful tonight, and Maegan once again thanked Merlin for the enchanted ceiling at Hogwarts. It was one of her favourite features of her school, yet it was listed below the Room of Requirement and the Library.

Maegan smiled as Dumbledore spoke his end of year speech, and could hardly believe that another year had again flown by. Next year she'd be taking her NEWTs, which would enable her to pursue her dreams.

"Now, I will no longer withhold you from devouring our beautiful feast! Enjoy!" He finished, before sitting himself down and on cue all the wooden tables were filled with chicken drumsticks, turkey, pies, mashed potato and the list went on!

"Can't believe it's the end of another year." George, said next to her, giving her his famous sly smirk. This caused her to worry, because whenever he had that smirk on things did not end up well. "I know right." She said anyway, ignoring the way their hands brushed as they reached for the plate of drumsticks, helping themselves to the huge amount of delicious food.

"Fred, Fred get off me!" Hermione squealed, pushing her boyfriend off of her and everyone laughed as he tried to cover the right side of her face with kisses. Maegan smiled at them, remembering how they had gotten together after the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw quidditch game, which Fred Weasley had used to perform a show at the end of the game, which had been full of fireworks which at the end formed the words saying, "Hermione Granger, will you be my girlfriend? -Fred Weasley" and it had been insanely cute how she ran up to him and had hugged him tight.

"They're so cute." Ginny grinned, she had long since gotten over the fact that her best friend was dating her brother, and supported them fully. Hermione and Fred had been interested in each other for a few years, about since Hermione's second year which added up to around two years.

"Harry, eyes over here please, not at the Ravenclaw table!" Ron Weasley nudged his best friend, Harry Potter, who was known now for having a crush on Ravenclaw's Cho Chang. Sadly enough for him, she seemed to be taken by the Hufflepuff seventh-year, Cedric Diggory.

We all laughed at Harry's frown, but then he started eating and everyone did as well. "George! There's still dessert, you know!" Ginny exclaimed, slapping her brother's arm. Maegan laughed, covering her mouth because she still had food in there, and when it was chewed away she said, "He needs it. He wants muscles."

George gasped, and lunged over to cover her mouth with his hand. "Looks like somebody implied Georgie doesn't have any muscles!" Fred teased, his arm wrapped around Hermione's shoulder as he laughed.

George growled at Maegan playfully, and she licked his hand in response. Instead of replying with "ew that's gross" as she had expected him to, he pulled his hand away and used his other hand's index finger and thumb to lift her chin, and turned her face so that she was facing him.

His brown eyes met her multicoloured ones, a feature George had always secretly loved. Everyone around them held their breath, and Maegan found her heart rate speeding up.

He bent down, wrapping his arms around her waist before he pressed his lips to hers, and the whole Gryffindor table erupted in cheers.

Maegan wrapped her arms around George's neck, tangling her fingers in the long, ginger hair. Her stomach filled with butterflies, fingers trembled, and her cheeks flared up.

His lips tasted slightly of chocolate, even when they hadn't had dessert yet, and when he pulled her into his lap, she heard Ron groan. "Really? Why can't they wait till they get to the common room?"

"Shut up, do you know how long I've had to listen to George whining about him liking Maegan and her not liking him back? Allow the two some peace." Fred snapped at his younger brother, and Maegan felt a rush of embarrassment but also pride fill her up.

She'd indeed had a crush on George for years, but had always tried to hide it because she was too scared he didn't feel the same way.

George smiled against her lips, and when he finally pulled away he tucked a stray strand of dark brown hair behind her ear.

There was a sudden sound of clapping, and they both turned to find Dumbledore standing and clapping. Everyone quickly joined in, and Maegan slowly slid back into her seat, not sure whether to be embarrassed or whether to laugh about it.

"That was so adorable." Hermione exclaimed, smiling at Maegan who happily returned it. George grinned at her, taking her hand that was laying on her lap in his, lacing their fingers together.

Dessert came soon, and everyone sat back down and enjoyed the various kinds of pudding and profiteroles. There weren't many words spoken between George and Maegan, except at the end of the feast where he leaned over and whispered, "Meet me in front of the Room of Requirement in fifteen minutes."

Maegan nodded, and when Ginny and Hermione pulled her aside to talk about what the kiss felt like as they walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, but when they were close she said goodbye to them. When they asked where she was going, she smiled and said, "George asked me to meet him in front of the Room of Requirement."

They nodded and waved her off, and then she made her way to the Room of Requirement, nearly fainting when she saw George standing in front of it with what looked like The Marauder's Map.

"George!" She ran up to him and hugged him, and the red-haired boy grinned and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey Mae."

"Where are we going?" She asked excitedly once they'd pulled away, and he laughed. "I thought maybe you'd like to go up to the Astronomy Tower and watch the stars?"

"I'd love that." Maegan said, and he took her hand, saying "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," and tapped the parchment with his wand. He smiled, and while making sure that nobody would catch them through the Map, they made their way to the tower.

When they got there, George said "Mischief managed" while tapping the parchment with his wand once again. He then folded it, and put it in the pocket of his trousers. "Come on." He smiled, turning around while still holding her hands. "You're going to love what Fred and I planned out for this."

"I think I have a hunch." Maegan laughed as they both sat down close to the edge, looking up at the sky which was filled with stars. George grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek, moving his hand closer to hers only to lace their fingers together. She smiled at him when suddenly there was a loud noise, as if something was set off and flew up into the sky.

Immediately, her mind put two and two together and, indeed, fireworks erupted in the sky. "Woah." She gasped as all the different colours lit up the night, the lights shining on George's face as well as hers.

She couldn't help but glance between the two; the firework show and George himself, she couldn't decide which one to watch. "Hey, love, you'll have tons of time to look at me later, there's fireworks exploding and that doesn't happen everyday." George said, and Maegan couldn't help but agree.

She knew the Weasley twins adored fireworks, and she knew that they loved expressing their feelings through it as well, even if it was through pranks. Maegan leaned her head on George's shoulder, cuddled into his side as she watched as more fireworks exploded in different shapes and colours.

As it came to an end, there was one more explosion, and a red heart filled the sky, with Maegan on one side and George on the other. "Oh Merlin. I swear that was Fred's idea." George breathed next to her, and Maegan couldn't help but feel touched.

She bit her lip, heart racing in her chest as she moved, straddling George. He was about to open his mouth and say something, but she stopped him by smashing her lips to his. Her hands cupped his jaw, fingers softly grazing across his skin as their lips moved together.

Through their frantic snogging, George somehow had enough oxygen left in him to breathe "Be my girlfriend", each word between another kiss.

"I was hoping you'd ask." Maegan smiled as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I'm guessing that's a yes."
George grinned, and Maegan nodded.

"Yes, yes it is."

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