Fixing A Broken Heart / Bill

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Bill sighed, leaning against the heavy mahogany table that served as a dining table at Shell Cottage, his home.

Formerly his and Maegan's home, but now that she'd broken up with him he was left with himself and the ghosts of the memories that roamed the house.

The first few days had been awful, he'd mainly just sat on the couch and cried, in the solace of the cottage on the beach. Eventually the tears ended and he'd gone through the stage of denial, then anger, and now he was at the stage of numbness.

Today was the launching of a ton of new products at his younger brothers' joke shop, but he was wondering whether or not he would show up. He knew he owed it to them, knew that they wanted to at least see him once in a while, but he didn't know if he could do it.

He'd completely isolated himself since the breakup, which was now almost three weeks ago. He'd just gone to work and run errands whenever he had to, but for the rest he never attended his family's dinners at the rebuilt Burrow, and he knew his mum didn't like that.

So, he decided, he would go anyway. He'd go just for Fred and George, and maybe pass by his mum and dad afterwards to comfort them that he wasn't dead.

Bill pulled on a dragonskin coat, not bothering to pull his growing hair into a ponytail and slipped on his boots. He then took the Floo to Diagon Alley, and made his way to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

As he walked through the immense crowd, he was hit with tons of memories of when he'd walked here with her at his arm, going to the Hog's Head for a butterbeer or simply meeting up for a shopping session.

// Flashback \\

"Bill!" Maegan exclaimed, running up to him and throwing her arms around his neck. "Maegannn." He grinned, dragging out the 'n' like he did so often. She laughed and stood on her tip-toes to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Want to go check out the twins' shop? We could keep an eye on Harry as well!"

He laughed, and was unable to resist and so she ended up dragging him inside, showing all of the products the twins had designed and created themselves.

When they got over to the twins themselves, Fred mock-gasped at the sight of his oldest brother. "Woah. Woah, George, am I dreaming or is that really Bill? In our shop, admiring our work?"

Bill laughed, rolling his eyes playfully as George continued his twins' speech about how they hadn't expected him here at all. "Wonderful Maegan here begged me to come and check it all out, and you know how I can't resist her." Bill cheekily grinned, pulling his girlfriend closer into his side.

George fake gagged, and Fred handed Maegan a pack of puking pastilles. "You could use those whenever you want to fake that you're pregnant." He told her as quietly as possible, but Bill heard and laughed. "Well thought, Freddie."

The red-headed jokester and his identical twin huffed, Fred especially looking at him with raised eyebrows. "Do you hear everything, dear brother?"

"Actually, he does." Maegan grinned, circling her arm around Bill's waist, leaning her head on his shoulder as George laughed. "Thought so. Hey, I wouldn't touch that, if I were you!" He and his twin rushed over to a child, and Bill continued his walk, Maegan
exploding into detail about most of the products.

// End of Flashback \\

He sighed as he finally got into the shop, and was immediately surrounded by Fred and George. "Bill! You're here! We didn't expect you to come!" They said in unison, and their older brother forced a small smile. "Thought I'd come around and see what the new products were about." He said, quieter than usual. His heart hurt at the fact that everywhere he looked, he saw Maegan.

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