Prefect Bathrooms / Bill

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"Maegan!" Bill exclaimed, grabbing the younger brunette and pulling her into the cupboard. He breathed heavily, realising quite quickly how their chests were only a quarter of an inch apart and Maegan blushed as she felt his hand holding hers.

Maegan took a deep breath as she stayed sandwiched between Bill and the door, which she found wasn't a too unpleasant position. She looked up at him, blushing a light pink as she remembered how this had happened.

She had been preparing this prank for ages, deciding to set off fireworks in front of Snape's office, which were charmed to blow up in his face once he opened the door. It had gone well, only she had tripped when she was moving away and this had caught the attention of the Potions master.

Thankfully, Bill had been there and had quickly pulled her into the cupboard, which brought them to their current situation. Maegan had always admired Bill, who was appointed Head Boy after being an amazing prefect yet he still had an enjoyable sense of humour and didn't take his position too seriously. He was also the smartest student in their year, yet had tons of friends, was a splendid Head Boy and helped younger students out with homework whenever they needed. How more perfect could a guy be?

Maegan was known for her grades, yes, but she was famous for her pranks, boyfriends and mischievous, bubbly personality. Guys swooned over her, and she was quite confident about her looks but sometimes, just sometimes, she felt insecure. And that always seemed to happen around Bill, who had never paid much attention to her except for in her fourth year when he had briefly helped her for Ancient Runes when she had fallen sick and didn't understand the notes her friend had given her.

"You there, darling?" Bill's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, and she blushed. She cursed herself, never having been this squeamish around guys before. "Yeah, sorry." She whispered quietly, and Bill chuckled. "Don't worry. I think he's gone now." He said, and moved her away from the door so he could open it and he craned his head around the corner, before he retreated.

Maegan was about to ask what he saw, but he covered her mouth with his hand as he quietly closed the door. "Shh." He shushed, breathing heavily as footsteps were once again heard. Bill then checked again, and let out a sigh in relief. "He's gone, come on."

He took her hand again and pulled her out, and Maegan's hand felt like it was burning as her stomach filled with butterflies. She closed the door behind her, and Bill smiled as he led her down the corridor to the changing staircases.

Too soon for Maegan's liking, they were already upstairs in front of The Fat Lady, who yawned and whined about them being up to late. Bill was unfazed, however, and told her he had been on rounds before he said the password and she let him through, mumbling something about 'prefects and their rounds'.

Maegan giggled once they were inside, dusting off her skirt and Bill turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." She smiled, and nervously bit her nail. "Thanks so much for back there, Bill. I really appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it! Besides, you owe me one this way." He winked, and Maegan blushed as they made their way up the stairs. "Yes, I do. Goodnight." She said, and he smiled. "Goodnight, Maegan."

Maegan nodded and turned to the left while Bill turned to the right, and entered her dormitories quietly, careful not to wake any of the girls before she slipped into bed. She laid awake for a while, wondering why Bill stood out from the other boys, and why she had felt so... so extraordinary around him when she wasn't even friends with him.

When she eventually fell asleep, she still didn't have an answer but still she dreamed of a certain tall, unique ginger.


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