Sultry p. 2 / George

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"Who's up for a game of exploding snap with a twist?" Fred suggested when Mrs Weasley was out of earshot. Almost everyone, even Hermione, quickly replied with a 'yes!' and Maegan decided there was no harm in playing along.

Or so she thought...

---End Of Recap---

"Alright, so what's that twist you've got in mind, Fred?" Ginny asked, speaking the words everybody was thinking as they all sat in a bit of a lanky, distorted circle in their room.

Fred smirked while he sorted the cards out, as if it had been a question he was long awaiting somebody to ask. "How about this - whenever somebody turns up the wrong match, they have to answer a question that the person who played before him or her asks, but honestly."

George smirked wickedly, nodding at his twin's idea. He winked at Maegan, who blushed and diverted her gaze towards Hermione, who seemed slightly uncomfortable.

"Who begins?" Ron asked, and Maegan spoke up. "Perhaps the creator of the idea should." She smirked at Fred, who chuckled. "No problem. There's nobody to ask me if I get it wrong, anyway." He laughed as he laid the cards out.

Maegan giggled. "True." She got a smile in return from the ginger, and they all watched as he laid them out. "Ready?" He asked once they had all been laid out, and everyone nodded.

"We're going in a clockwise direction, right?" Hermione asked, and George nodded. "Yes, Granger." Maegan bit her lip at the sound of his voice, but rapidly composed herself and straightened her posture as she watched Fred carefully turn around a set of cards.

Luckily for him, they were a match, and he did a victory fist pump. "Ronniekins, if you will." Fred smirked evilly, and his younger brother's ears turned red at the mention of his embarrassing nickname. He, however, did lean forward and turned two cards around.

They were not a match, and Maegan flinched when the cards exploded. Ron's face scrunched up as he turned to Fred, who was stroking his chin in a thoughtful manner. "Have you snogged anybody?" Fred asked, and Ron's ears turned a darker shade of red than they already were.

"Yes." Ron replied, and Maegan laughed. Hermione and Ginny both had a look of disgust etched upon their features, and Harry chuckled in amusement. "Hermione, your turn." Ron said quickly, cutting George off who was probably about to tease him.

Hermione nodded, leaning forward and observing the lines of cards before turning two. With her luck, it was a match and she grinned happily before leaning back and turning her head towards Harry. "Harry."

Harry nodded with a slight smile on his face before he turned one card, thinking for a few seconds before he turned another. It was a match, and Harry let out a sigh of relief.

Ginny was next, and she looked at Harry for a split second before looking back at the cards. The young girl shuddered under the slight pressure, and turned two cards that were not a match. She pouted as they exploded, and looked at Harry with a bit of an afraid expression on her face.

"Uhm..." Harry hummed, realising he hadn't expected Ginny to not get a match. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He randomly blurted out, and everybody say their shocked, even Ginny, who quickly shook her head. "Not at the moment, no." She squeaked, and Maegan grinned to herself, knowing exactly why Ginny replied that way.

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