Sea Shore p. 2 / Fred

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"Oh hell no! You cheated!" Ron shouted, falling back on the sand in exasperation as Hermione, Ginny and I laughed at him.

"Sounds like someone's a sore loser." Hermione joked, and Fred chuckled. "Poor Ronniekins." He and George said simultaneously.

"Ginny, will you come with me to get some lemonade for everyone?" Harry asked, and Ginny nodded. "Of course, Harry." They left then, and Fred and George made a face.

"Why the disgusted faces?" I asked them, walking up to them with a smirk on my face. I knew exactly what they were thinking.

"It seems a bit..."

"... strange, doesn't it?"

"Harry and Ginny going to..."

"...get lemonade, together!"

I rolled my eyes, punching Fred in the shoulder. "Oh shut up. I'm sure they wouldn't do what you're thinking they're going to do."

Fred rolled his eyes, holding his shoulder with a pout. "She's our sister, and we were just cracking a joke."

George glared at his twin, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder to lead me away. "Come on. He's only grumpy." He said, taking my hand.

I nodded, yet couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed and hurt by his comment. "Piggyback?" George suggested, which immediately caused a smile to form on my face.

"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly, and George laughed as he crouched down to the ground. I got on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist as he got up. It seemed he lifted me with ease, because he rushed off towards the sea.

He held onto my legs to ensure I didn't slip off, and my hands found his pale shoulders. I smiled as he ran into the sea, causing water to splash everywhere and I suddenly remembered I was still wearing my blouse.

George let go of my legs and I slipped off his back, causing us both to fall over and he ended up on top of me. There were wolf whistles from the shore, but I couldn't turn around to see because I was laying between the sandy ground and George.

It probably looked extremely suggestive and strange, and George quickly got up. "Sorry." He said sweetly, reaching for my hand to help me up.

He gulped when I stood up, covered in sand with the blouse, which had me become mainly transparent instead of white, sticking to my bikini top and my sides. "You- uh- You look nice." He stammered, and I blushed.

"Thanks." I said quietly, my eyes involuntarily checking him out as well. He was fairly built, with strong shoulders, slightly-showing abs and strong arms. When I realised what I was doing, I looked away.

It's only because I haven't had a complement from a guy after Cedric. I thought to myself, and felt my smile fade at the thought of him.

"What's wrong?" George asked, taking a few steps towards me. "Nothing. Come on." I said, grasping his arm and leading him back to the others.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Fred asked, glaring at us and George immediately squeezed my hand. "We fell, Fred, calm down." He said, and Fred crossed his arms.

"You sure?" He snapped, keeping his glare in place. "It didn't seem like you just fell. Maegan, just because you haven't had a boyfriend in ages doesn't mean you get the right to chase after George!"

George almost lunged forward, but I stopped him. "We fell, Fred! Get over it! You have absolutely no right to demand who I do and don't date! Besides, you've shagged a ton of girls since you broke up with Robyn, why are you getting upset over George and I snogging? Which we didn't even do, by the way!" I rambled, and George warningly gripped my wrist. I guess he knew where this was going.

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