Adorable p. 2 / George

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: Again, there some mention of sexual themes so... you've been warned.

"George!" Maegan laughed, hitting the redhead's shoulder. "What?" He exclaimed, but did this while laughing along with her.

"You know what you did!" She exclaimed, looking up at him with a pout. "I don't! What did I do?" He asked, pouting as well as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You stole some of my popcorn in the cinema!" That's right, Maegan had taken George to the muggle cinema, and afterwards decided to go home and order a lot of pizza. "I did not! I asked you if I could take some and you said yes so I did!" He exclaimed, "You can use verita serum on me if you want to!"

You see, Maegan and George had been dating ever since her second to last year at Hogwarts, and today was their fifth year anniversary.

Maegan owned a muggle apartment to be close to her muggle parents at times, but had most of the time spent the night at George's for the first year after Hogwarts and during her training as an Auror, and so he had asked her to move in. She only often stayed at the muggle apartment for nights like these, times around her parents' birthdays and whenever her job asked her to survey the Muggle world for a dark wizard or criminal.

"Fine." She laughed, kissing his lips softly and he pulled her closer, not allowing her to pull away just yet. The doorbell rang then, and Maegan got up to go get the pizza. She had no idea what she would see when she turned back around, though.

She smiled at the pizza boy, handing him the muggle money and then taking the three boxes of different kinds of pizza. Maegan smiled and turned back around, closing the door while doing so and she nearly dropped the pizza boxes.

George, her boyfriend of five years, was kneeled in between the couch and coffee table and a cheeky smile on his face. Maegan gasped, gripping the boxes tighter as George beckoned her over with a grin.

She put the boxes aside, and George moved a bit forward and took her hand in his as he gently kissed it. Maegan blushed hard, looking at George with slight confusion as well as admiration.

"Maegan... I love you so much, and we've been together for five years. I've been thinking about this for a while, and you know me, I'm quite bad at expressing my feelings into words, but I love you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Would you do the honours of becoming my wife?" He asked, taking a black velvety box out of his pocket and opening it, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a small diamond in the middle.

"Yes!" She gasped, her voice a higher octave than usual due to the surprise. George grinned and took her hand, sliding the ring onto the appropriate finger before standing up and kissing his fiancée lovingly.

They ate the pizza for the rest of the evening, cuddling and watching a romantic movie before George and her floo'ed back to The Burrow at around nine, where they announced their engagement and allowed Mrs Weasley to embrace them and ask about the wedding date.

Maegan fiddled with the lace of the white dress she wore, a wedding dress to be exact. Hermione and Ginny were busy with her makeup and hair, and she hadn't seen George since two days back due to the tradition of the groom not being allowed to see the bride the night before the wedding.

She was extremely nervous, but was definitely NOT getting cold feet. She loved George, and she was more than happy to marry him. But, she was wondering if he'd think she was beautiful.

It was a bit of an odd insecurity, one that Hermione and Ginny had both dismissed quite a few times since her wake, but she couldn't help but wonder whether George was getting cold feet about marrying her.

"Maegan, dear, you look gorgeous." Mrs Weasley walked into the room, and Maegan blushed. She trusted Hermione and Ginny a lot, and she was sure they'd done an amazing job, but she hadn't been allowed to see her makeup and hair yet.

"Can I see it yet?" She asked Hermione, who was still adding pins to her hair. "One second, Mae."

Maegan groaned a little, but took the few seconds to admire Ginny and Hermione's outfits. They were her bridesmaids, and were dressed in light blue, flowy dresses with white heels and a white flower piece in their hair.
"Wait Mae, let's add some extra lipstick." Ginny said, and quickly did so before they were both finally done.

"Can I look in the mirror now, please?" Maegan asked, and Hermione and Ginny nodded while the latter handed her a mirror.

Maegan looked in it, and gasped. Her hair was in a fancy updo, with loose braids towards it and white pins to decorate it. Her makeup was natural, with light pink lipstick. "It's beautiful." She gasped, and felt extraordinarily confident and beautiful. "Definitely. Come on, stand up, dear, and we can fasten your veil before we take you downstairs."

Maegan nodded, still slightly speechless as she stood up and allowed Hermione to attach the veil.

Maegan was now officially Maegan Weasley, and she had married the love of her life, with whom she was currently dancing at the wedding reception. It was slightly like Bill and Fleur's wedding the year before, yet there were different colours and ornaments.

George was holding her close, one arm looped around her waist and one hand held hers as they waltzed across the dance floor. "I can't believe you're mine forever now." He whispered into Maegan's dark brown hair. "I can't believe I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life." Maegan joked, and felt her husband's chest rumble against her as he laughed.

"Mhm poor you." George teased, and leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I really love this dress, but I'd rather see it off of you and on the floor later tonight." Maegan blushed hard, and tightened her grip on George's shoulder.

After the reception party, the plan was to say a little at the Weasley's before they went back to Fred and George's flat, which she had moved into a while back already.

Fred, George's twin and partner in crime, had been nice enough to say that he'd stay at the Burrow for a few days to give George and Maegan the time to 'settle into the married life'. Everybody knew what that meant, of course.

About that, she was slightly nervous. Of course George and her had made out countless of times, and there'd been some touching here and there and they'd seen each other half naked every now and then, but the full thing, not yet. George smiled at her and pulled her from the dance floor, kissing her softly.

"Get a room, you guys!" Ron yelled at them over the loud music, and George pulled away to direct a quite rude hand gesture at his younger brother. "Shut up, Ronald! Just wait till you and Luna get married." Fred smirked at the lad next to him, and patted his twin's shoulder.

Maegan smiled and hugged Fred. She had always been extremely close to the twins, and when she and George started dating, her and Fred became even better friends. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her, before pulling away and going to find Hermione.

She felt a presence next to her, and a warm arm wrapped itself around her waist and she looked up to see George. Grinning, she leaned into his side as they went to Mr and Mrs Weasley to talk to them.

George apparated to the front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and then he grasped Maegan's hand and led her up to their shared apartment. As soon as the front door was closed behind them, he lifted her off her feet bridal style, ready to do this traditionally.

She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck, and he walked them over to their room. He set her down and kicked the door closed, immediately leaning in to kiss her deeply.

Maegan hummed, tangling her fingers in the ever-so-soft red hair that certainly was one of her favourite features of her husband's. George grinned, and slowly moved his hands to unzip her dress.

When that was out of the way, George pressed soft kisses down Maegan's neck and shoulder, taking off the dress to let it pool around her feet on the floor. He lifted her up and pulled her closer, kissing her deeply once again...

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