Part 1- Sixteenth Date

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X's & O's - Part 1

( Brodie POV )

It's my sixteenth date tonight with Zac. We've been going out for one year and four months. This time we're going to the movies to see ''Star Wars'. I didn't really want to see that particular movie but I let Zac pick.

"Mum, can you drive me to the movies!?" I yelled as I ran down the hall way "why?" she yelled

"I'm going with Zac"


"Thank you!" I said as I skipped off happily

As I did my mascara, eyeliner, foundation, lipgloss, hair I then got into my new coral coloured skater dress.

As soon as I got ready I told mum I was ready so we got in the car and drove off. "sooooooooooooooo how's it going with Zac?" mum asked with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. " fine thanks mum. You know you don't have to know everything that me and Zac do?" I said with a little bit of frustration because she always asks this question when we drive to school and to dates and shopping spree's even when friends are around!

As we were one street away I always say to stop because it's embarrassing to have your mum drop you off to a date.

"stop!!!" I yelled

"why???" she asked

"Because it's too..... Busy!" I stuttered trying to cover up my real excuse.

So I got out of the car and started to walk to the movies.

On the way, I stood in some mud so some of my dress got muddy and my shoes were all muddy.

Then I got my wallet taken off me by some randoms because they said that If I didn't give it to them then they woud have taken other values like my phone and my iPod and credit card so I decided to give them my money

It's alright because there was only $12 in it.

"just enough for my ticket and food....... Blergh! Gosh how am I supposed to go to the movies now!?" I said to myself.

It was then I got to the movies I leaned against the wall next to the door of the cinemas and slid down it so I was on the floor.

"Baby?" I heard from a voice in the distance. "Zac!!!!" I jumped up and ran up to him and gave him a big hug!

" I'm so glad you're here! " I said taking my arms off of him "whoa you look beautiful baby" he said, practically checking me out.

"no I don't I look terrible because I stepped in mud and I feel terrible because I lost all my money because three guys took it all so now we cant go." I said in disappointment

"whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down sweety I'll buy your ticket and food and we can go get u cleaned up too. Sound good?" he said in shock rubbing my back with his hand.

"Thanks so much Zac you're a life saver"


Here's my first chapter:)

I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I will writing it:)

Let me know what you think of my characters?

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