Part 13

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Part 13

Brodies POV

I was still angry at Justin but I'm just not going to talk to him. I got inside and saw my mum sitting at the study wheelie chair.

"hi mum! I can't believe this! Im going to become a singer, a famous person, a star with somd so called talent!" I say to mum giving her a hug.

"I know and we're here for you whatever you do about it ir the baby" she said

Crap!! The baby! Well I don't want to kill it so I'm just going to have it and be a young mum I decided.

"mum, I decided I'm going to go through with the birth because I'm responsible for this pregnancy" I tell her

" are you sure honey because if that's what you want to do then it's your decision because you're right, it is your responsibility"

"thanks mum." I walk off and go to my room

I look at the time, it's 6:00 pm.

I go to the bath room and have a shower and nice I had a shower I put on my pyjamas that have a white tank top with purple, pink and blue stripes on them.

I go down stairs and get out the pasta and creamy saucy stuff.

I cook it, put it in a bowl, get a glass of milk and sit down at the dining table.

When I finished my dinner I washed up and went to the couch and turned the tv on

I scrolled the tv guide and found home and away to watch

Home and away was really dramatic which I like. I turned the tv off and walked up to my room

I got to my room and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

*na na na like yeah yeah yeah. When we can't make up

Our minds and we think we got it right we go na na na na na na*

My phone rang I picked it up and had this covo:


Justin-hi um I called to say sorry and that I'm going to support whatever decision you for the birth and you don't need to keep the baby either

Me-Justin it's ok I'm keeping the baby but just being a young mum. You cam call it your baby but we need yp talk face yo face about thus but not until after the baby is born ok?

Justin-ok thank again, I'm sorry andni totally support you in this bye

Me-bye Justin thanks

End of convo

Wow that went better then expected! I think u should just tell him that we should put this problem behind us and continue in with our lives and I just be just a normal young mum, not fighting with the other partner in the relationship


Any ideas for baby name? boy or girl?

If I don't get any comments I will stop writing! I need engouragment guys! Cmon please help.


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