Part 20

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Part 20

Brodies POV

I went into my walk in wardrobe and got out some white tight skinny jeans and a baby blue plain parachute shirt and I put my baby blue pumps and put them on my bed along with my white ray bans.

I walked into my bathroom and I decided to quick-dip-dye my hair blue.

So I got out my blue eyeshadow, my hair spray, my brush and my hair staightener.

I put my blue eyeshadow in the tips of my hair and sprayed them with hair spray.

I did my mascara, my foundation, and gloss whilst waiting for the eyeshadow to settle in.

After putting my makeup on, I brushed my hair so the hairspray wasn't making my hair stick together.

I straightened my hair and my bangs so I was now ready to go. I put my pumps on and got Lola and a few of her things. I put it all in the back of my white Ferrari and put Lola in the baby seat in the back of the car.

I drove to Justins house and I just honked my car's horn because Lola was in the car and I didn't want to leave her to knock on the door.

Justin came out of his house and pattie was behind him. She waved at me so I waved back.

Pattie kissed Justin on the cheek and justin came to the car. He was wearing black chinos that wear down too low but I didn't really mind because that's boys for you! He had a blue shirt on and it had writing on it that said 'f**K' ( exactally what it said ). again, boys will be boys

He opened the door and got in " hey babe" he kissed me on the lips "hey J." then turned around and said hello to Lola.

" hey Lo" she gurgles

He put his seatbelt on and we drove to neen's. "Justin, I'm not sure about this I mean I'll miss Lola" I say pulling over at neen's

" yeah, I know brodes, but its the only way and besides, we'll see her often" he replies. " hmkay " I nod

I open my door and get Lola out of the car whilst Justin gets the baby stuff out of the car and the three of us approach the front door.

I knock and put my ray bans up on my head. Janine ( auntie neen ) opens the door. " hey! Brodie I was just expecting you!!"she says happily


She takes Lola as we all say goodbye and leave. I have tears down my face and Justin is around the back of me with his hands hugging my stomach.

We drive to school and as we arrive at school we interwine our hands and walk inside. I have my blue ray bans on and Justin has his darker blue raybans on.

Everyone is whispering about us as usual and a few people come up asking for autographs or for a picture or just questions.

We refuse all as we are both upset. As we walk down the school hall the student part so we can walk through the crowd.

We go to our lockers and we get our books for our first periods. I have English and so does Justin.

" it'll be ok. It's only for 5 weeks" he says calming me

" I know but that's 4 weeks and 6 days too many" I say but I calm down and the bell rings.

Justin kisses me on the forehead and we go to our first class.

In English miss Alex is talking about proverbs and someone passes me a note....

It's Jake but the note isn't from him it's from........





I look back to Bradley and he winks at me and wriggles his eyebrowls.

I turn it over and write....






I pass it back to Jake to pass it to Helen to pass it to kale to pass it to Jess to pass it to chloe to pass it to Bradley.

He reads it and rolls his eyes but I know he won't give up....


I slide my tray along as I grab an apple, a bananna milk, a cheese and cucumber sandwich and a mini jam tart. I pick it all up and go sit at my table but nobody from our group it there yet so I am on my own.

I pick my sandwich up and when I'm just about to take a bite I hear someone take a seat at my table.

I look up...


"hehem" I clear my throat. But he doesn't hear me as he is munching away on his French fries.

"hehehehehehehehem" I clear my throat again. Ge still doesn't react.

I take one of his fries and eat it. "oi that's mine! Give back!" he looks up. That did the trick.

"oh sorry it was?" I go to touch my uvula (dangle thing at back if throat that makes you barf if you touch it)

" wait! You can keep it!" Bradley says as I take my finger away and smirk at him

"anyways why are you here at my table not over with Riley, kiara, sophie, talia, Fannie and the others?" I ask cocking my head slightly and twirling the end of my hair trying to look sexy.

This will be fun teasing him!

I place my elbows on the table and stick out my chest. I swear he's drooling!

" c..came sit w...with" he stutters

"Aww really? That's so.... what's the word??" I lean in closer... We are only about two inches apart now...

Justins POV

I walk in the cafeteria and as I'm talking to Ryan, Chaz and Christian I suddenly stop and pause. I block the guys' way and I have a smile on my face as I look over at my girl...

"watch and learn boys" I tell Chaz, Ryan and Chris

"what?" they all ask as they look at Brodie and Bradley

"dude! Jb! She's a cheating on ya man!" Chaz says

" wait just watch you idiot!" Chris yells at Chaz

"just shut up!" Ryan says

I take out my iPhone and start to record...

Brodies POV

I see Justin, Chaz, Ryan and Cgristian out of the corner of my eye. They are all watching me tease Bradley and Justin is recording.

"what's the word?" I say

" awesome? Sexy? Hot? Cute?" he says clueless

"so....stupid!!" I slap him hard and the whole cafeteria starts to laugh at my awesome trick.

I stand up and open my milk and tip it on his head and everyone laughs louder.

I walk over to Justin and the cafeteria goes silent.......

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