Part 22

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Part 22

Chaz's POV

Caite and I have been watching this show for hours! Should I tell her???


"Caite," I say

"yeah, Chazzy?"she turns the t.v off and faces me

"um I want to break up" I tell her

"yeah, ok if you want to. I mean, we can still be friends, good friends" she replies without a worry

" yeah ok...friends?" I put out my hand for her to shake it

She takes my hand and shakes it. "friends." she smiles and I say goodbye and leave her house "bye and I'm sorry"

"it's okay I understand that you like her" she yells after I say bye

"what? Who?" I ask

How does she know I like her?

"oh it's obvious! I knew you were going to split with me because of the way you look at brodie." she explains

" oh" I blush "don't tell her..." I blush harder

"oh I will"she jokes "oh and um by the way you're blushing"she laughs and I leave waving and get on my bicycle and pedal to Brodies.

Heidi's POV

"it'll be okay Brodie! You'll be fine if you like Chaz, I heard he dumped Caite today because he has a secret crush on you" I rub Brodies back.

I get up from her bed and go to her walk in wardrobe and get her dress up box out.

"let's have fun and be stupid!" I say putting the box down on brodie's bed

She sniffed and wiped her tears away "ok we can mock that son of a bieber!" a smile that went ear to ear lit up on her face.

We started to dressup with guy clothes and we put some plain background music on.

"I'm just a baby baby baby ooooooooo! A baby baby baby doooooolllll!!!!!!!!" we start singing mocking Justin's song 'Baby'

We fall on the bed cracking up laughing when we hear a knock on the front door

* knock knock knock knock knock knock*

I ran to the front door and opened it..

It was Chaz "hey Chaz"

"hey Heidi um is Brodie here? She's not at Emily's or your house. So I thought she must be here because she's doesn't go to the library" he joked about the last sentence.

" oh haha very funny I'll tell her to come out. Or did you want to come in??" I ask

"oh um can I come in??? Maybe we can invite the lads and all the girls" he suggests

"yeah sure I'll call them while you go in" I say skipping off to ring everyone

Brodie's POV

I took off all of the silly dressups and put my yellow tanktop on and my khaki capri's back on.

I put the dressups box back in the walk in wardrobe and sat on the bed and picked up my iPod touch 4th gen.

I went on Viber and 'texted' Caite -

Haii hru? Wat happens b tween u nd Chaz???? Ru ok??

- I pressed send and I waited for awhile when all of a sudden the door opened slightly

"knock knock?" a familar masculine voice said as it opened wider

I looked up and it was Chaz standing at the door.

"hey, come in! I said patting my bed motioning him to sit next to me.


"yes, Chaz??"

"Brodie, um I Uh, I um really like you and I broke up with Catlin just because I like you. I don't care if you feel the same about me but I just wanted to let you know" he says putting his hand on my thigh.

Omigosh he likes me?! Should I like him? I mean, he's cute and all and has a muscled figure but is he right for me?? Maybe I should give him a chance...

"Chaz, what are you saying??" I put my hand on his and looked into his gorgeous, brown eyes.

"Brodie Leigh Mitchelmore, will you be my girlfriend?" he says leaning into me. We are now only centermetres away from kissing.


"yes,Charles Graver Thomas Lee Sommers, I will be your girlfriend!" our lips crash and he bites my bottom lip gently asking for entrance so I let him in. He explores my mouth then we pull apart and we smile at eachother.

We hear clapping in the room. We turn our heads and i see Ryan, Emily, Heidi, Caite, Bradley and.... ?Riley? Omigosh what's he doing here? And Bradley? WTH??? anyways, they all have ear to ear grins on their faces.

" get stuffed!" Chaz says jokingly

I blush and they all laugh.

"shut up! Who cares if Chaz and I are dating?!" I snap

They stop laughing and they all look hurt and sorry

"I'm joking! Duh!" I say jokingly

They start laughing again

Chaz pops a question "where's Justin??"

Everyone just stares at Chaz and I walk out of the room and into the bathroom.

I go to the corner of the bathroom and slide down the wall. I hold my legs tightly to my cheat and start crying.



Guys, please comment and let me know what you think!!! I want to thank you for reading my story!! Love you!!-I3r0d¡£_Brodie<3

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