Part 18

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Part 18

Brodies POV

Heidi-.... Oh um yeah he told me...

Brodie- oh Heidi it'll be ok!! Come over to my place and well watch a sad romantic movie and eat lots of ice-cream!

Heidi- um why?? Ice-cream just makes you fat! And, I don't like those soppy, romantic movies remember??

Brodie-oh um then what will cheer you up?? I know a good roller skate! Meet you at the rink in an hour! It should be fun!!

Heidi- why? What cheering up? I'm not upset...

Brodie- um didn't u and Chrissy u know.. Um.. Split??

Heidi- no I was fine with it Coz I understood that you're really pretty and unresistable to every boy.

Brodie- oh um lol ok but u still want to go skating??

Heidi-yeah I'll invite the boys!!

Brodie- Kk be there hours time!!

End of call

Omg I feel so dumb lol oh well I've got to get ready!!

I go to my walk-in wardrobe and get some ankle length denim jeggings and a turquoise sport tank top and put them on. I got out my turquoise matching converse and put them on.

I went to the bathroom and put my hair up randomly in a messy ponytail and put a turquoise plain headband on.

I got my wallet and went out to the livingroom.

I plonked onto the recliner chair and turned on the tv

I changed the channel to 'go' and on it was 'that 70's show' so I watched that for 45 minutes.

I heard a car in the driveway pull up. I went to the front door and opened it to see who it was....

I was a car I recognized before it was Ryan Omg wat is he doing here?! Then Emily hopped out of the car.. Ryan can drive Coz he's 18 but he came from a different country that why he's in our grade.

They held hands and confronted me..

"hey what you doing here?" I asked

" what else silly?? We're picking you up... To take you to the rink... Duh!" but I wasn't listening to emily I was curiously looking at ryans car.

I wasn't looking at the car, I was looking at what was in it. Justin. My boyfriend. Not coming out to see me. Not making eye contact with me. Not... Not... Not... *sigh*

I walked straight through Emily and Ryan, parting them and going to the driveway and stopping at the car.

I tapped on the window that Justin was at... !....!.....!

He turned around to face me and he had a big bruise on his face but he had an icepack on it.

I gasped and I opened the door..

He got out and talked ...."don't ask..."

Is all he said

But I had to.

"baby, what happened"

"oh um long story" he said half smiling.

"well I'm here with you all day because Lola is at my aunties place all two weeks until school is over so tell me.... From the start"

We drove to the rink and Justin and I put our hoodies on and sunnies on. He had blue ray bans on and I had turquoise ray bans on.

We parked and got out of the car. We interwined our fingers and went inside. I quickly paid and so did the others. I got size 7 skates and Justin got size 10 skates.

We put our skates on and I placed my hand in his and we skated off together.

Justins POV

I've got a bruise on my face, great! how embarrassing!


"Hey bro!!" I say as I approached Chrissy.

"dude I need to tell you something bad and something good and you won't like the bad news...." he says

"um go ahead but bad news first ok??" I say kinda worried but it can't be anything about me Coz he's my best friend and he's like a brother from another mother.

"I kissed your girlfriend" he said shamefully

Then it hit me. The untrustfulness feeling I never really wanted to here especially from him. So I hit him. He hit me. I kicked him. He kicked me. Someone pulled me away and Ryan pulled Christian away and I stopped realizing what I just did.

I hit my brew.

How could he?? He has a girlfriend! Did Brodie kiss back??? No. She wouldn't she couldn't she loves me too much!

"how could you bra??" I asked with fury.

"I..I...I..I don't know what into me dude i just don't but the good news is that Heidi forgave me and we are still together" he said cautiously

"that bitch!! I mean Heidi is not Brodie but Brodie is a bitch if she kissed you back but.. Wait, did she??" I asked still with fury in my tone.

"man, oh um well,..........



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