Part 2- New Trouble

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Part 2-

Zac's POV

"Hey, Brodie why do you like me?"

I asked her tilting my head.

"huh?" she asked

why do you-" she cut me off by kissing me "okay!" I said in surprise. Hmm.

The movie was still going and I turned my head and saw that Brodie had fallen asleep on my shoulder so I picked her up in bridal style and we left the cinema. She woke up in my arms and said "you can put me down now"

"ok" I said

I kissed her forehead, and held her hand.

"thanks" she said

"Anytime" I said with my head down thinking about how she doesn't say why she likes me

~ next day at school ~

Brodies POV

I heard the principal, Mr Swan talking about someone named Justin and how he's new this year. Erm, who comes at the end of highschool???

I wonder if he's hot or if he's single?


I saw I guy walk out with Mr Swan "You'll be very happy here at Devon high school, Justin" Mr Swan said.

Justin walks past me and looks at me funny then winks at me I saw him mime something I couldn't quite make out. I was wearing an army patterned mini skirt, an army green tank top and army green stilettos. I just gave him a confused look.

Justins POV

'Wow' I mimed as I checked her out, she's hot! I winked at her and she just gave me a confused look.

There's something about that girl...

At my locker I got my English books and shut my locker as I locked it and put the key in my pocket.

As the bell rang I turned around and bumped into a girl with brown hair and she fell down to the ground and I put my hand down to help her up

"Omigosh" she said as she got up with my help, "clumsy me," she said flipping her side fringe out of her eyes "so sor-" she stopped and looked who I was "are you? No.... Ermagawd! It's you! that guy!" she slapped me "and I just slapped you because... Erm.. Just 'cause!"

I rubbed the side of my face where she slapped me. "I'm Justin.. and, you are...?"

"Brodie" she said as she flipped her hair.

I went in for it the kiss and she slapped me again "I swear if you do that again... I'll kick you where it hurts, and, by the way... I'm taken" she said as she then walked off.


Brodies POV

What a player... but... cute! NO. NO NOT CUTE. UGLY! I was late to English and I saw that Caite had saved me a seat.


She's my BFF along with Heidi and Emily

"where have you been?" she asked.

"no where in particular..." I said innocently.

"come on, you're a really bad liar" she said nagging me.

"tell you later with Em and Caite, okay?"

"Okay" she turned to listen to the teacher.

The bell rang and I walked out with Heidi.

"Find Emily and Caite and meet me at our table" I told her.

"Okay," she walked off.

I ran into Justin again and he whispered in my ear "I wan' chu" his minty breath made a shiver go down my spine

I pushed him into the locker

"I dun'..."I mocked him and kept walking

He was now on the ground against the locker

I walked off and he watched so I called Zac over and kissed him infront of Justin

" love ya" I told Zac

He kissed my cheek"love ya too"

Zac walked off so I turned around and gave Justin a take-that look

I turned around and fixed my hair then went to sit with Heidi, Caite and Emily.

I then told them all about it

they understood and then I went to find Zac I felt the need to tell him wait, maybe later.......


Thanks!! Xx

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