Part 36

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Part 36

Justin's POV

I get up and see Brodie is out on the balcony on the phone, so I go to the bathroom and clean my teeth.

I brush them well and spit out the toothpaste. I wash my toothbrush and flick it so the water is off.

I go out and open my suitcase. I see Brodie's suit case it all packed up and ready to go.

I get changed into a plain red v-neck and some white skinnies. I put all my stuff back in my suitcase and only leave some red Vans out.

I put my suitcase next to Brodie's and turn around to go approach Brodie but someone grabs me and before I can react, I am tied up in a rope.

I look at who it is, it's Alexander.

"stay away from my girlfriend,b*tch!" he says putting tape over my mouth.

He drags me into the bathroom and he stops. He looks around and then starts to drag me again.

He opens a cupboard and shoves me in. He slams the door but my finger gets caught in the door. He pushes the door which crushes the bones in my finger even more.

A tear slips down my face because of the pain my finger is in.

I look down at my finger and see that it is all crushed and bent.



"RAPE!!!!!!" I here Brodie scream from out in the bedroom.

I wait for a while and I then here footsteps, oh god I hope it's anyone but Alexander!

Someone opens the door of the cupboard and I lift my head up helplessly and see that a maid is standing there.

She takes me out and drags me out of the bathroom.

I see that a man is holding onto Alexander and Brodie is crying but she doesn't fool me, she faking.

I smile but you can't tell that I'm smiling because I have tape over my mouth.

The lady rips the tape off of my mouth and it hurts like hell!!!

"ahhhhhhhoooooeeeewwwwweeeeeehhh" I yell.

"babe!" Brodie runs over and starts untying me.

"baby, are you okay?"I ask panicky

"yeah, but are you?" she asks worriedly

A tear slips down my face,"my finger..." I say quietly.

"sh*t! We need to get you to a hospital!" she says, gently taking my hand and looking shocked at my finger.

"yeah." I say

We stand up and walk out of the room. We go out into the hall of the hotel and to the lift.


Guys, hoped you liked it please comment, fan and vote.

This part was dedicated to Jaszy Cs ( the girl with funny last name ). I love yoo, Jaszy! Lol no homo! Whoop whoop GLEE!!

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