Part 38

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Part 38


Heidi's POV

Graduation was really boring but now we get to the fun part! Prom!

I'm dressed in a long rose pink dress with a black bow around my ribs. I have my hair straightened and random curls here and there. I have black fancy sandals with bows on them and about a one centremetre heel on them.

I walk in and see Christian in the room where all the year twelves wait. He half smiles at me but I look away. I dumped Christian a few days ago, jar as Justin came out of the hospital. Justin smashed his finger when Brodie's phsyco ex came and shoved him in a cupboard in a hotel in Vegas.

When we all go back from Vegas, a few days ago, we all went to the beach and had fun. Even one direction came. I really like Niall and I think he might just like me too! I think Liam likes Emily and because she's now single, she dumped Ryan when Brodie and Justin didn't speak for three weeks, he might ask her out!

Lola is now back, living with Justin and Brodie, and Jasmine, an old friend, babysits her.

Jasmine said she would come back for prom because she was invited.

Speaking of Jasmine, there she is now, "Jas! Hey! You made it! How are you?" I say approaching her.

She's wearing a pink tight dress with a flared bottom that has one strap with flowers on it. She has pink flats and her hair curled and pinned to the side.

"good, how are you?" she replies.

"I'm good too I'm so glad you came! You look gorgeous!" I say complimenting her on her outfit.

"thank you, so do you!"

Brodie's POV

I walk in and see Justin against the wall, in his tux, with his leg bent and his foot against the wall.

I am wearing a white silk dress with a pink strip down the front in the middle. I have pink stilettos and my hair curled and with my hair in a hair-bow.

I have pink tips and a lot of makeup on.

I walk over to Justin and I kiss him.

"hey beautiful, you look gorgeous!"

"you don't don't look so bad yourself, Justin"

"haha very funny, let's go it's about to start!"


I see Emily and Caite talking to each other so I go over to them, smiling

Emily is wearing a red long plain dress, her hair out like normal, red flats.

Caite is wearing a beige short dress with beige stilettos and her hair in a neat donut bun.

I give them both a hug and just as I'm about to compliment them on how nice they look, the teacher comes in and asks us to get with the opposite sex partner and get in two lines.

I go with Justin, Emily with, Chaz, Caite with Jake, Heidi with Ryan, and Christian went with Jasmine.

We all walk in and we start to slow dance as we arrive. I look up at the dj and of course, it's Havana! After about five minutes of slow dancing she turns on the pumping fast music.


"now it's time to announce prom king and queen!" mr swan announces over the microphone.

The music stops and we all turn to the stage.

"now, you have all voted but only one girl and one boy can become our royals!" he says as we all cheer.

"now, our prom queen is,....." we all go silent

"come on!" someone says

"ok! Our prom queen is Brodie Mitchelmore!" everyone cheers

Omigosh that's me!! I walk up on stage and one of the seniors put an expensive-looking crown on my head.

The senior gives me a gigantic bunch of roses and a 'PROM QUEEN' sash.

"congratulations! Now, the prom king is," I step aside.

It will probably be Justin or Chaz or Ryan or Jake or Christian because they are all the most popular guys in school.

"our prom king is..... Alexander Wilkonson!!" everyone cheers

O no! No, this can't be happening! Anyone but him! I'd even dance with someone like Chase, the school nerd, who is really ugly!!!

He comes up gets a expensive-looking crown too and some flowers and a 'PROM KING' sash.

"now, thank you," I look over at Justin, who is making his way up to where the steps to the stage are.

He gets up to the stage and whispers something in mr swan's ear.

"I'm sorry mr bieber, but it's a tradition, they prom king and queen have to dance together. " me swan says.

Justin looks at me and mimes 'sorry' with his mouth

'no, sorry' I mime back.

he walks off and me swan goes back to the mic. "now, for the king and queen dance. Please everyone make room by going back to your seats. Thank you, now Alexander, Brodie, take the floor,"

Alex holds out his hand and I take it not wanting to. We take the floor and the slow music starts.

He puts one of his hands on my waist and the other, joined with mine. I place my hand on his shoulder and the other, joined with his.

We start to slow dance and he pulls me closer. Our bodies are now touching and his hand has mover to my butt. He puts my hands around his neck and he puts his ther hand on butt, aswell.

"you can do better than Beaver, over there," he says, swaying

"with who?" I play dumb


"really?, I thought you meant with um, that smart, hot guy, Chase.."

"pft! More like nerdy, fugly, girly, Chase McFagget!" he laughs

"really? I think he's way sexier and manlier than you!" I say

"really?" he pulls me closer, oh god I can feel he has a freakin' boner! WTF? He's horny round' me?

"maybe, not," I say flirtatiously, faking.

I pull him closer and move more so he gets so horny he needs a break!

"I have to be somewhere......" he runs off.

I go over to Justin and he pulls to back to the dance floor.

We dance and talk. "nice, use the teaser?" he asks

"you know it, babe" I kiss him passionately and with that, my high school days are over.


Thanks guys, shout out to Madi, a friend who is reading this, I love you Madi, and I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES! I DO I DO!


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