Part 26

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Part 26

Brodie's POV

I wake up at 6:00am and I practise my flute and have cap'n crunch for breaky.

I go to my walk in wardrobe and search for clothes...

I find a red hoodie with short sleeves but all of my other clothes are in the wash from camping a few weeks ago.

Now I have no shirt under the hoodie, just a black bra. The hoodie zips up and it has black spots on it. I get out some black jeggings and put them on with some red stiletto's.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and put my usual heavy makeup on.

I drive to school and as I arrive the bell rings. I hurry to first period and I have to sit next to Jeff who is the school nerd.

He stares at me the whole time which is kinda annoying.

"can you quit that?!" I snap

"can't a guy have a dream?"

"what us your dream?"

"to kiss the sexy chick beside me" he wriggles his monobrowl


I put my hand up quickly "yes miss. Mitchelmore?" mr tyrell asks as he notices my hand up.

"may I use the bathroom?" I ask politely.

"yes of course" he answers

I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I use the toilet and perfect myself. The bell rings as I am fixing my makeup that was slightly smudged.

I walk out of the bathroom and back to maths. I collect my books and go back to my locker.

As I am putting my books away I feel a person hug me from behind.

"Justin, not at school, remember?" I turn around so I am comfortably in his arms

I peck him on the lips and we part.

I hold his hand after I lock my locker.

We walk to the cafeteria and as we do everyone looks at us.... I then look around and realize they aren't looking at US, they're looking at ME.

I see Heidi at our table standing up on it. She walks down and over to me.

She stops infront of me and zips my Hoodie down! Omigosh!

"that's for stealing my boyfriend! B**ch!" I quickly try to zip it back up but the zipper is gone. Omigosh! I look up and Heidi has it in her hand and is looking snobby with it and looking proud that she got revenge on me.

I pull shut my hoodie and Justin ales off his grey jumper and gives it to me.

I put the jumper on and walk away with my other friends and Justin.

As we are our of the cafeteria we are walking down the hall furiously.

We are all angry at Heidi and are all going to see Mr. Swan.

"I cant believe she would do that to you just because you are prettier than her!" Ana says

"I know! I mean, she doesn't have the right to humiliate you infront of the whole school like that!" Chaz says

"guys, this is all my fault so I'm going to fix this. Wait here I'll do this on my own." Christian says and sprints ahead of us and before we can catch him a teacher see's us and pulls us up for running.


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