Part 5- Jealous, much?

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Part 5-

As I got on the bus I sat next to Heidi

We talked about the most random things

"You wouldn't believe what Justin did this morning! I was packing then as I turned around he kissed me and drove me to school other wise I would've had to kiss him again so I agreed but when we got to school he said he was crazy about me so I hurried and left the car with my stuff" I said without breath.

"I think you might be changing him. I mean you've got to admit he is crazy about you" Heidi said proving a point.

"You're right. But still he's a big player. In fact, the school player; the biggest one I know of" I said

"Hmmm... Ooh! I know, I think you should make him jealous by getting with Ryan, his best friend" she said with an evil grin on her face.

"Yeah I'll do exactly that" I say getting up off the bus as we had just arrived.

When we got our cabins we went to our year 12 camp meeting area.

I decided I would work on Heidi's plan straight away.

So, I went to find Ryan.

He is over with Chaz, Justin and Christian.

"Hey Ryan" I said flirtatiously.

"H-H-H-Hi B-B-B-Brodie, what's up......?" He stuttered.

"Oh... Just wondering if you wanted to be my low-ropes partner" I said running my index finger up and down his chest.

I knew he would say yes because I'm the hottest girl in year 12

"Uh... Um... Huh?... Oh, um sh-sure y-yeah of course B-Brodie" he said, blushing.

"Aww Ryan, don't blush... you're so adorable" I kissed his cheek.

Ugh!!! Disgusting!

I can't believe I did that to Ryan just to make Justin jealous

I walked up to Heidi "It worked! Justin fell for it he was so jealous you should have seen his face! But Ryan was all blushing and everything it was so funny!" I told Heidi.

She laughed and sat down to listen to the teachers instructions.

The teacher had finished talking and told us to go to our first activity.

I found Ryan and we walked to low-ropes together.

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