Part 4- Caught!

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Part 4-

Justin left me alone for the rest of that day but who knows what will happen at camp next week

Well, hopefully Zac will protect me

*beep beep*

My phone txt=

Hey, I don't wanna hurt u so it's over

-Zac xo

A tear went down my face and onto my phone screen

Why would he dump me?

I ran out of class and ran to my locker and pulled everything out of it put it in my bag and ran the front of the school and sat down at the front steps of the school

I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder

I turned around

It was Angus's

"whats wrong?" he asked as he sat next to me

"Zac........ Dumped me" I stuttered still crying

" awwww it's ok it'll be ok there are plenty of guys out there that would like to go out with you" I turned to him and he winked at me

I got up and walked away

"sure sure" I muttered

•next day•

I cried myself to sleep last night and all weekend but I'm gonna forget about Zac and try find a rebound boyfriend. As selfish as that does sound.

Today is camp I had already packed and did my hair and makeup

I went into my walk in wardrobe I got some jeggings and a orange tie dye parachut shirt and put it on after putting on my deodorant.

"hello sexy" I heard a voice from behind me as I was checking that I packed everything one last time

I turned around and the person who was behind me kissed my roughly and was squeezing my bum

Before I could get away mum came in my room

"let's go Brod-" she paused and dropped her keys

"Justin I didnt know u were going out with with Brodie" she said as I got out of Justins grasp and realised it was him

" we're not mum, he's just the school player and he wants me" I said as I put quoraion marks around 'wants me'

"Brodie! That's not nice"she yelled at me

"it's ok mrs Mitchelmore sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" he said being 'polite'

I rolled my eyes at him

"Brodie, say sorry" mum said frowning at me then smiling at justin

"sooooorryyyy" I moaned

Mum nodded and left the room

"for that-" slap! I cut him off by slapping him

"never mind then! Oh and I'm taking you to camp in my range rover" he told me

"no!" I said turning away

He grabbed my waist

"either that or I kiss you and you have to kiss back" he said with his forehead in mine

"Over my dead body! fine! You can take me but only if you carry my bags!" I said pushing him off of me

He picked up my bags and we got in the car then left

"I'm crazy about you" he said as we pulled up at school

I got out and got my suit case from the boot then walked off


hey I hope you like story so far if you fan, comment AND vote I'll fan you too

Love you lol

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