Part 7- Forgiven

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Part 7

Justins POV

I'm gonna make her mine, even if I have to play her little 'game'.

I think I might like her a little...

Maybe I should apologize to her for my inappropriateness towards her.

Hopefully she forgives me.

I made my way to see her to apologize.

I got to her cabin and thought of what I should say.

Heidis POV

"What happened today?!" I asked Brodie, confused.

"Stupid Ryan dropped me on the low ropes and wrecked my plan" she told me.

*knock knock knock knock*

"Hello? Brodie? Are you here? Please.. I need to talk to you." it was Justin.

He's really sweet, I don't see what her problem is with him.

Brodie hates him it seems weird. Usually she goes for a guy like him.

I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and then went out, closing the door behind me. I move really close to Justin.

"Hey Justin..." I said as I put my hands around his neck drawing imaginary circles on his neck and running my fingers through the hair at the back of his head.

"Uhm hey... Is it Heidi? Yeah, Heidi... Um where's Brodie?" he said taking my arms off from around his neck and stepping back a little.

"She's not here" I said a little too loud.

The door flung open and Brodie stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.

"What? Yes I am.... Oh, um... Justin what are you doing here?......" she said, confused.

Brodie's POV

I heard Heidi say that I wasn't here, not knowing that she probably said it to cover for me, so I went to see who it was.

It was Justin

Oh god.

"What? Yes I am.... Oh, um... Justin what are you doing here?......" she said, confused.

"I just came to talk to you... IN PRIVATE" he said, motioning to Heidi.

"Oh, um I'll... go then..." Heidi said walking away, pissed.

"Thanks" he said referring to Heidi.

"Um can we go to the outdoor eating area?" he said, "who knows, Heidi will probably eaves drop on us." he said, pulling my wrist.

I snatched my arm away from him.

He looked at the groud, nervously.

As we were walking we were in complete silence which made it really awkward.

"I apologize for my inappropriate behavior towards you, I really didn't mean to act that way. " he said stopping and turning towards me, and rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.

I just faintly smiled, with sympathy.

"Can we just be friends?" he asked

"Hmk." I decided to take a leap.

I went back inside and leant against the door, sliding down the door, to the ground.

"What have I done..." I bury my head in my knees.


Thanks guys for all your messages and comments of encouragement it is really appreciated.


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