Part 37

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Part 37

Justin's POV

"you seem to have broken every bone in your finger and needs to be

Replaced. " the doctor says

I'm in the hospital on the hospital bed and my doctor is looking at my finger.

"how will you do that??" I ask

"we are going to take bone from a dead animal or something, and we will attach it to your hand but it will be inside the skin of your finger because the skin was not damaged. " he answers.

"when will this happen?" I am quite scared now.

"in about......." he looks down at his clipboard and searches through the peices of paper on it. "um, 15 minutes, I'd say".


"um, doc, I have a concert in two days, will it be better by then?"

"yes, definitely, it won't even be bandaged or anything. It'll be as if you never hurt it. "

"thank you" I say


"right this way, mr. Bieber, thanks" a lady with glasses and blonde hair who was pretty, but not my type of pretty. Brodie was the only girl for me.

I asked Brodie to leve before I came into the hospital because I didn't want her to worry to much.

I'm about to go into surgery now and I'm really nervous.

"here" she says, handing me one of those hospital dresses. She motions me to go into the little bathroom thing do I walk in and close the door silently behind me, locking it.

I look around. There is a metal toilet, a little sink, a shower with a sky blue plastic curtain around it and a little mirror above the sink.

I change into the dress and I open the door, walking out.

The girl with blonde hair and glasses motions me towards a room. She takes my clothes and opens the door for me.

"thank you" I say as I go through.

"the surgeon will be right in, Mr. Bieber"

I wait awhile and after about 20 minutes a tall man with brown hair, green eyes, a red tie and a lab coat thing.

"I'm Professeur Kirk and I will be doing some surgery on you today, now just lay down on this bed," I go lay on the bed, "and just relax as I put you into a sleep mode so you can't feel the operation. " he says calmingly.

He gives me some pills, obviously sleep ones that I take with some water.

After about two minutes I start to fall asleep. The world around me goes blank and all I can see is that I'm in a dream.

~Justin's Dream~

I walk into the classroom at school only to see Brodie making out with Alex. Cr*p

I go up to him and give him a good punch in the cheek.

They stop and Brodie turns to me. "I hate you, I hate everything about you, you, you little puny girl, you sing, act, talk, walk, everything you do, you do it like a girl. And I hate it! I hate you, no, wait, I don't hate you, i DESPISE you, Justin Drew Bieber, go to hell!!" she slaps me and then goes back to making out with Alex,

~end of Justin's dream~

I'm never having that dream again!!


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