Part 16

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Part 16

/ Recap /

I saw our prom Poster:

/ End of recap /





BE THERE!!!!!!

I can't believe they said that Justin and I were Performing when they didn't even ask us if we could

I Waldo down the school hall and saw Adele coming. Oh great she's all I need right now.

She's actually been leaving me alone lately because Justin or Ryan or Christian was always around to drive her off.

She came up to me and ripped my bag off my back and opened it up and threw everything down the hall and out of the bag.

"stay away from my Bradley bitch!" she said with attitude.

"um Adele, I've never said anything to Brice" I say

"WTF you were making out with him last week and it's Bradley"

"what?!?!" I heard a voice from behind me

I turned around and saw who it was


"Justin you're not surely going to believe that bitch are you?" I say running after him

What has she gotten me into

Adele than came running up the hall

And stopped infront of Justin.

He stopped and turned around and looked at me he was angry

He then grabbed Adele by the waist making sure I was looking and he did it

Yep. Right there and then infront of me.

Justin cheated on me infront of me

"I was joking about Brodie and bradley by the way, Justin" Adele said

I ran off crying.

Even if he was angry he actually did that infront of me. He kissed the school's B.I.T.C.H., barstard. Irritating. Toad faced. Cowardly. Hag. I can't believe it.

I got all my books and my ripped up bag and ran to my car.

I got in, started the ignition and drove off. When I parked out the front of my secret dance studio

I saw in the review mirror that someone parked behind me. I gitnout and went inside the studio.

No one knows about this place it's my place. I put my iPhone into the dock I had brought here last time and started to dance to 'yeah 3x' by chris brown

It was a catchy tune but I couple dance fir much longer because of my tummy. It still hurts from the baby but I knew it would because the doctor said it's normal Coz I'm young.

All if a sudden I heard a knock on the door. Oops I forgot the person behind me in the car! I wonder who it is.

I got up and waked to the door and u saw it was Christian.

"Christian, I'm not in the mood for-" he kissed me but I pushed him away, slapped him and kicked him where it hurts.

"WTF Christian what is ur problem"

"I want you, Justin doesn't, I do you should be with me not biebs." he says

He leans in again but I slap him

I push him out of the studio and slam the door locking it

"p**s off!"I yell

I turn the music up loud and start dancing again.


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