Part 8

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Part 8

•Next Day•

Brodie's POV

I woke up and started packing because we were leaving today. Once I finished packing I got dressed into a yellow mid-drift singlet top, a pink and yellow floral mullet skirt, pink gladiator shoes that go to below my knees and a white lace vest.

I did my hair in a loose bun with a white bow in it and put my side fringe up.

I put my deodorant on and my purfume on.

I picked up all my stuff and locked up the cabin. Heidi walked with me to the bus, we put our stuff in the side of the bus and got on. Heidi was Emily's partner and I was Caite's partner and we were talking about how she likes Chaz.

"so whats up with u and chaz?" I asked Caite

"oh yeah forgot to tell u, Chaz and I are going out now" she told me

"what!?!? Really? Wow! Congrats! Fireworks for u two!" I said shocked

*beep beep*

My phone went off


Brodie! Christian just asked me out! What do I say? Btw I kno I'm on the bus but couldnt get out of my seat lol


Txt:Omg say yes coz he's Ttly hot! Say yes! :)



Kk! ;)


-----end of phone convo

Wow now two of my friends have bfs just accept me

All of a sudden Emily turns around-shes infront of us

"guess what?! Ryan just asked to be his gf!!!!" she said excitedly

"Omg say yes!!!" I say back

"kay thanks!!!!" Emily says turning back around and saying yes

When we arrived home I got off the bus and got my bags, sat next to the fence and waited for my mum to come pick me up

I started to think; maybe I should give Justin a chance maybe he has changed I mean even if I did I could keep it a secret

Just as everyone left except one guy who I couldn't make out who it was because he was doing up his shoelace

He got up and came over, it was Justin

And he sat down next to me

"could I give you a ride home?" he asked randomly

" um Justin, I was thinking maybe I could give u a chance and be friends?" I say not caring that he asked me a question

"Uh ok but would u like a ride home?" he says again

"oh um thanks ok" I reply

We got to my place and I got out I put my hand out for a hand shake;

"friends?"I say

"friends with benefits?"he asks

"secret friends............with benefits"I confirm

"then wanna come back to mine?"he asks

"no thanks, I have to think about the terrible mistake I just made"I say joking around and walking to the boot to get my bags

I hug Justin goodbye and walk into the house

I go to my room and plomp onto my bed and sigh

I can't believe I am 'friends with benefits' with Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!

I hope he doesn't try anything with me ...............







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