Part 25

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Part 25

Caite's POV

Havana said I could invite a friend so I decided to invite my crush, Jake Smith.

*sigh* he's so dreamy.....

I walk to my bedroom and slide open my wardrobe door and get out my ripped jeans. I put on a mid drift white shirt and a long neclace with a cross and a feather on it.

I go curl my hair, well, I don't really need to curl it it's already curly so I just put some glitter hairspray in it.

I put a white flower in it and put my mascara, eyeliner, foundation and lipgloss on. I get my phone and go to my silver buggy and drive to Jake's house.

On the way I turn up the radio because 'call me maybe' by Carly Rae Jepson comes on.

"hey, i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me, maybe!"

I arrive just as the song finishes and I hop out and fix my hair.

I walk to Jake's front door and ring the bell.

A little girl opens the door and looks up at me speechless.

"hello, is Jake here?" I ask the little girl

"hewo pwetty girwl, I'm Josie and I don't know if Jake home bwut mummy is!" she looks about 4 years old

"can I please see your mummy?" I ask

"yes I will go get hwer. What you name, pwetty girwl?" she says cutely

"my name us Catlin but you can call me Caite" I reply.

She skips off and I see Jake walk down the stairs. He's on his phone, texting.

My phone beeps and he looks at me. He gawks and I check my phone.

-hey when you coming? Jake:)

I reply back to him:

-I'm the girl you're now gawking at. Caite<3

He blushes as he looks at my text.

His mum comes out of a room with Josie behind her

"hello, I'm jakes mother, nice to meet you" I shake her hand

" nice to meet you too, Mrs. Smith, I am Catlin but you can call me Caite"

"please, call me Jenifer" she corrects me.

"now, how can I help you, Caite?"

"I'm here to take you son away for a couple of hours, fortunately" I answer. She laughs

"well, Jake you can go but be back by 12 okay? Jenifer says

"yes mum," Jake walka out and we hop in my car.


Jake's POV

We are all drunk and, as usual, at parties, everyone is flirting with everyone.

"would you like a drink?" I ask Caite over Ana's DJing and Brodie and Justin's singing.

"yeah! Can I have a beer?" she says already drunk.

"yeah! Of course whatever you want!" I walk off to get a beer

Heidi's POV

Christian and I have been dancing the whole time.

It has been really fun! Christian then looks at me in the eyes and kisses me.

The kiss goes for a while and then we break apart. We smile at eachother and keep dancing.

All of a sudden the music stops.

Ana comes on the microphone "who wants to play truth or dare?" she says

"me!" everyone shouts

We all go to her loungeroom and sit on the chairs.

"ok who's first?" Justin says

Brodies POV

"I will!" I shout

"ok Brodie, truth or dare?" says Ana

"truth" I say

"ok, who do you despise most in this room?" I look around

"Christian." I simply say

"what?! Why?" Christian says.

"nah jokes I love you!" I ruffle his hair

"hey!" Justin protests

I kiss him on the cheek and he blushes.

"I hate you" I say

"love you too babe" he says

"I'm not ur babe, I'm Heidi's babe" I say getting up and sitting on Heidi's lap.

"whatever, who's next?" he says.

I get up and sit next to Justin again and I lay with my head on his shoulder.

"I'll go next!" Says Jake

"Truth or dare?"Chaz asks.


"ok, I dare you to makeout with Caite for one minute, non stop"

"ok!" he says a little bit too extatic

Jake and Caite makeout for one minute nonstop and I can see they are both enjoying it.

"aaaand time!" they keep going though.

They break away eventually and they both blush.

"okaaaaay awakes! Anyways, um, Christian! Truth or dare?" I ask


"baby, wait, I got this" Justin says with an evil grin on his face.

"Christian, who is the best kisser you've ever kissed, whether they wanted to kiss you or not"

"Brodie"Christian simply replies.

Everyone gasps but Heidi is off in some daydream so she doesn't realize.

"seriously?! Am I that good of a kisser to announce infront of your girlfriend? Christian? Seriously? Maybe you should say that again with Heidi paying attention huh?......................Heidi?!" I snap Heidi out of her fantasy.

"hell yeah you're a good kisser!" he says like he doesn't care that Heidi has feelings.

Heidi looks heartbroken and runs out of the room.

Heidis POV

He said it. He broke my heart. He took my fragile china heart and hit it with a hammer. He likes her. That b**ch! I am officially not her friend! Thinks she can use her so called 'charms' on my boyfriend.

Well, he is now my EX-boyfriend

She is gonna pay! And so will Christian!

I go straight home in my gold kluger. I arrive a rush inside to my room. I start to plan my revenge.......


What will Heidi do? Will she hurt them? Find out in part 25>>>>>>>>>>

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