Part 29

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Part 29

Brodie's POV

I woke up when the buss stopped at a jolt.

"hey babe you know you call out my name in your sleep?"Justin says pecking my lips

"wha?" I ask confused

"nah I'm kidding you only snore..." he smiles evilly

"I do not!" I slap him on the shoulder playfully

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I love you!" he puts his hands up in surrender.

"love you too," I kiss his nose

I grab my giant suitcase and drag it halfway to the hotel stairs before Justin pulls it up over his shoulder easily making me feel useless.

I keep walking and the hotel sign says 'Vegas Hotel' I jump with excitement.

I'm in Vegas!

We sign in and Justin has got the penthouse, which was massive!

"here we are, in Vegas, in a pent house, just alone, the two of us." he says wrapping his arms around my waist I tag him and run away.

"you're it!" I shout

He chases me around the penthouse until he catches me hiding in the cupboard.

He opens the door and climbs in and closes it again.

He kisses me and I can tell he us smiling.

"got you, now you're it," he runs out if the cupboard and as soon as I get out, he's gone

I look everywhere but I can't find him anywhere.

So I give up and sit on the couch and turn on the tv.

I change the channel and the news comes on.

"new celebrity Brodie Mitchelmore is now officially dating teen heartthrob Justin Bieber. But will it last? Justin was seen at California last week before his concert making out with popstar, Carly Rae Jepson. Justin has just recently signed Carly but is Justin giving her mire then jst a record deal?" the news lady says.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

I stand up and turn around and Justin is shocked at what I just saw.

I turned the other way and ran our of the penthouse.

I run down to Caite's room and as I walk in I find Caite and Jake makng out.

I turn back around and go to leave but Justin walks in out if breath.

"Brodie, are you really going to believe that bull?" he says coming closer to me.

I step back and I walk back to where Caite is. Jake and her are now on oppisite ends of the room and acting like nothing happened.

I go behind Caite and Justin walks over to Caite and tries to go around her but she kicks him where it hurts.

"b**ch! What did you do to her this time you f***ing d**k head!?" she sats as he is now on the floor.

"he made out with that new chick, Carly" I speak up

"oh no he didn't?!" she kicks him in the shins this time

"I swear I didn't! did you see a video?! No! I didn't I promise it's a lie! They're lying!" he says trying to get off of the ground

I step forward and he stands up quickly. He takes my hands but I rip them away. I slap him about 5 times and he holds him face.

"p*ss off! I thought you cared!" I yell saturated in tears.

"I do and you should know it!" he says.

He kneels down on one knee. Oh cr*p he's proposing!

Maybe he does care...

"I, Justin Drew Bieber, would like you, Brodie Rose Mitchelmore to be with me forever and ever till' the end. Brodie, will you do the honor, and, please, marry me, and be my wife?" he asks sincerely

"yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes I will! I will! You do care! You do care about me, not that other scum bag, Jepson!" I say jumping into his arms and kissing him passionately.

"wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa wait, did you just? Did you then? Did um, you two just get ENGAGED?!?!?!?!" Caite yells confused

"yep." we say in sync.


"here comes the bride, all fat and wide, slips on a big banana peel and goes for a ride!" I sing drunkly

"whoohoo!" Justin says wasted.

"babe time for bed Coz it's like two in da morning!..." I say and Justin picks me up and carries me to the penthouse and we fall asleep in the bedroom in eachothers arms, still in our clothes from the party we just had.


I wake up and go to my suit case to get dressed.

I try not to wake Justin but the zip of the suit case does.

"you up already?" he says

"yer, it's like 2 in the afternoon."I reply

I grab some clothes and go behind the changing wall.

I strip and put on the clothes I grabbed; a grey mid drift that says 'Qt' on it and some high pants.

I put some grey vans on and put my dirty clothes away.

I tell Justin to get changed and meet me and the crew down at the bus Coz we are going shipping today at the mall.

I meet him downstairs and the others about 10 mins later. We all get in and we drive to a mall called 'Meadows Mall'.

We walk in and the first thing I see is a familiar person I have seen on tv before.

It's ---- -----! Omigosh!


Love youse all! Pls comment fan vote

Love you keep reading!

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